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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?
Message Subject: Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 2/23/2005 12:32 PM (#136244)
Subject: Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
I'm looking at rigging up some bigger tubes, larger than 4.5". I don't need them as large as a Tiger Tube, but the size of a large Rizzo Whiz would be perfect. ToddM, Jonesi and others..where can I order them from??
Posted 2/23/2005 12:38 PM (#136245 - in reply to #136244)
Subject: RE: Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?

Posts: 2378

Check out Cabelas or Bass pro saltwater stuff. Cabelas has Tora tubes. They come in some pretty good sizes.
Posted 2/23/2005 1:15 PM (#136250 - in reply to #136244)
Subject: RE: Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?

Posts: 222

Location: Hartland, WI

I was just at Fleet Farm here in Germantown at lunch, they have a bunch of that stuff there. I dont know if it is exactly what you are looking for, but they had a bunch of tiger tubes there.
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 2/23/2005 1:19 PM (#136251 - in reply to #136250)
Subject: RE: Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
Do they have the small ones or the big ones??

Ooooooo..I like the Tora Tubes from Cabela's and the Luhr Jensen Squid bodies are hot.

Edited by Gander Mt Guide 2/23/2005 1:23 PM
Posted 2/23/2005 1:32 PM (#136254 - in reply to #136251)
Subject: RE: Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?

Posts: 222

Location: Hartland, WI
I dont know, I have never fished them before.

From the looks of them, they were about 3-5".

Might be worth your while to stop in on your way to work.


Posted 2/23/2005 10:12 PM (#136331 - in reply to #136244)
Subject: RE: Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Mann's makes a fat 6"er. Gitzit makes a 5, 6 and a tora which is really big. Gambler makes a nice 5"er so does stanley or strike king. Gander actually carries the last one in some nice musky type colors too. Storm also makes a 5"er with a rattle in it. Hope this helps.
Posted 2/24/2005 7:00 AM (#136345 - in reply to #136244)
Subject: RE: Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?

Yeah, Gitzit and some other co,'s sell a five inch bait. Strike King's also got some flippin tubes with the solid nose in a 5". I use 3.5" and 5''ers in pearl thru the ice for lakers, they hook/hold good.

Any of you guys thrown back with any of the 'creature' flippin bass baits? Wild Thangs, Wooly Beavers, Berkley Creature? Big target, lots of appendages they're slow on the way down. Terminator has a Skeet Reese 'creature bait' that's around 4". You can Texas rig or rig mosts creatures on a jig. I think I'd rig them on the jig.
Posted 2/24/2005 8:08 AM (#136349 - in reply to #136244)
Subject: RE: Big Tubes..Where to Get Them?

if you get the tora tubes from cabelas get a hold of moores lures and they have the 3/4 ounce head that are made for these tubes. they also have stinger hooks in 6'0 size that hang in the tenacles to get the short strikers .
canyon lures has a kit of the tubes in different colors that are pretty cool..later ..karol
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