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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN
Message Subject: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN
Posted 7/29/2004 1:13 PM (#113508 - in reply to #113380)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 120

Location: Chicago, IL
Anonymous - 7/28/2004 9:40 AM

There are no muskies in MN. In fact, you would be better off fishing elsewhere. I believe this photo to be fake in order to attract attention to MN, when in fact it was caught in WI.

I agree... cant you tell by the markings... I mean... only the Big Chip could produce a hog like that. After all... Everyone knows that it the Chip is the home to world record muskies.

No fish in Minnesota.
Posted 7/29/2004 1:15 PM (#113509 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Location: Athens, Ohio
Kinda sad to see MI members putting the fish on the boat carpet. I like Koepp's approach of wetting a rainsuit and laying the fish on that for a good measure. We all live and learn.

But - What a Fine Fish! Man! I'd need tranquilizers for a week after hooking that beast. m
Posted 7/29/2004 2:14 PM (#113515 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 492

Location: Lindenhurst, Illinois
#*#*, lets just stop fishing for them all together.
Posted 7/29/2004 2:52 PM (#113517 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 921

I just wanna say that either Hamernick is amazed by the look on his face or just plain drunk.

Midge Moneymaker
Posted 7/29/2004 3:13 PM (#113520 - in reply to #113517)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
If I was fishing or guiding when a HAWG like that came into the boat, I would have my "face" on like his!
What a beast! I cannot believe the gut on that monster.
Clark A
Posted 7/29/2004 3:31 PM (#113526 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 629

Location: Bloomington, MN
I'm glad the fish was released and commend the angler for doing so, but how would a replica be made of something that probably never existed before this?
Posted 7/29/2004 9:26 PM (#113556 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

"That thing looks like it ate a beaver!", said my son when I showed him the photos. Remarkable.

Twin Cities
Posted 7/29/2004 9:44 PM (#113557 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Caught on a Pacemaker........yeah, those things are just another Tallywhacker.
Where are the lure rippers now?
Posted 7/30/2004 6:54 AM (#113562 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 148

I thought it was a typo when I saw 51x29.Wow, like the rest of you guys, I can't believe the girth on this fish.As far as smiling, most of my musky pictures, I am not, but once the fish is released is when I go nuts.Just too concerned/serious about getting a quick picture, and a successful release to even think about smiling.Congrats on who caught this fish, and would make an excellent replica because of the girth.Mille Lacs boat traffic is going to be increasing in the near future.
Posted 7/30/2004 7:50 AM (#113566 - in reply to #113517)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL
Refering to the guys expresion it could just be SHOCK that fish is almost as big as he is.

The color and markings of that beast are just plain beautiful what a wonderful replica that fish will make hope fittante gets the job

Edited by JohnMD 7/30/2004 7:53 AM
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