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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Who should recomend for a replica?
Message Subject: Who should recomend for a replica?
Mikes Extreme
Posted 7/26/2004 4:10 PM (#113198)
Subject: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 2691

Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin
I am looking for a replica for my clients 53-inch fish he released. He wants me to get it done for him.

Who is the man for the job. I am thinking Joe Fitanti(spelling). What is the phone number or web addy. Slamr.....

I might have my sons 47-inch done for him and I also have a friend that is going to do a 50-incher.

Whats the recomendations............

Edited by Mikes Extreme 7/26/2004 4:10 PM
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/26/2004 4:15 PM (#113200 - in reply to #113198)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI

I'm having Joe do a 41+" Tiger. Wait is about a year. Price is about $12.50 per inch

Ron Lax studios is about $12.00 per inch

Edited by Gander Mt Guide 7/26/2004 4:16 PM
Mikes Extreme
Posted 7/26/2004 5:21 PM (#113205 - in reply to #113200)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 2691

Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin
I talked to Joe and its a done deal.

He gets $12.50 per inch and replicas get preferance over dead fish.

7 to 8 months he said for the replicas.

Posted 7/26/2004 6:46 PM (#113218 - in reply to #113205)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL
Joe is the best, I have two Muskies done by Joe and they are simply beautiful

Posted 7/26/2004 10:23 PM (#113229 - in reply to #113198)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
you will be very very pleased with fitanttes work, he did my 50 incher and it is awsome, hes a great artist and paints the fish like they are alive, with awsome colors and red fins, verses other guys who paint jobs are all brown and look like a dead fish.

Posted 7/27/2004 6:26 AM (#113244 - in reply to #113198)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Location: Athens, Ohio
Mike, also you might wanna check this out:

Also, does Smokey's shop there at the boat ramp sell fishing licenses, or do I need to go to his shop in town again? thanks, m
Posted 7/27/2004 8:40 AM (#113251 - in reply to #113198)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
Good choice! Joe is doing my 52 as well!

Posted 7/27/2004 12:40 PM (#113280 - in reply to #113198)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
Fittante's work is head and shoulders above anybody else's! If you dont believe me, just go to the Chicago show, and see for yourself.
Joe's work looked like the fish were just lifted out of the water. Almost dripping wet looking. They were simply amazing! I really liked how he has different looks on all the fish. Different colors, different curves and twists in the bodies.
Now I have to catch one big enough for him to do a replica for me!
Rodney LaCaze
Posted 7/27/2004 3:44 PM (#113296 - in reply to #113198)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

I agree w/ Fittante as your choice. He did mine and I'm very, very happy with it. The only thing I might have had him do differently - and this is very minor - is put in larger eyes! The real fish I released had "cow eyes". Huge! Be sure to send Joe photos. He matched the coloration and patterns of my fish, including pattern abnormalities, almost perfectly.

I think Lax does great work, too. But his paint jobs all look Wisconsin strain to me. Brown. Had my fish been a Wisconsin fish, I wouldn't hesitate.

Twin Cities
Posted 7/27/2004 10:50 PM (#113329 - in reply to #113198)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 910

Location: Hastings, mn, 55033
does fittante's do the replicas with open gille paltes and gills, or the boxed in version?
Posted 7/28/2004 9:43 AM (#113381 - in reply to #113329)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL
You can get them either way

Craig Eversoll
Posted 7/28/2004 12:31 PM (#113401 - in reply to #113198)
Subject: RE: Who should recomend for a replica?

Posts: 188

Location: Madison, WI
Add another vore for Joe. His work is excellent and he's a big supporter of Catch & Release.

Craig Eversoll
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