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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?
Message Subject: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?
Posted 7/25/2004 4:13 PM (#113101)
Subject: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Posts: 1237

Location: South Portsmouth, KY
Hi. Me and my dad are going to try to make resverations for next summer on Lake of the Woods. We have never been to lotw before and i have a couple of questions?
1. What is a good freindly resort to stay at?
2. What is a good time to muskie fish in the summer on lotw? Also a good topwater bite time.
3. What is about an average day in the summer fishing for muskie on lotw?
Thanks for all the information guys!!!
Posted 7/25/2004 5:06 PM (#113104 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

1. Frank Walsh's Bay Store Camp on NW Angle LOTW
2. Late July to Early August
3. 8 plus follows and hopefully 1 or 2 in the boat

I haven't been up there in awhile though
Posted 7/25/2004 9:08 PM (#113120 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
1. I have stayed at Angle Outpost twice and loved it
2. Opener to 2nd week in July
3. 10-12 fish seen daily and 1-2 in the boat
Those were my observations for the Northwest Angle part of LOTW for the 2 weeks I've spent there.
Posted 7/25/2004 9:13 PM (#113122 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
There are some good ones and albeit I have never fished it, I would look at Red Wing lodge just for the fact they are an M.I. sponsor. I hear they are reasonable too. Lots of good ones though so don't just take my advise.
Posted 7/26/2004 12:55 AM (#113132 - in reply to #113122)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Red Wing is a great resort, I have stayed there many times. Also, look at the MuskieFIRST LOTW Sabaskong Bay trip, thqt resort is centered in the best fishing and a VERY nice place to stay.
Mark H.
Posted 7/26/2004 6:38 AM (#113134 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Posts: 1936

Location: Eau Claire, WI
I will second Steve's suggestion on joining a MuskieFIRST event on LOTW... Several reasons.

#1 It's a ton of fun attended by some very nice people.

#2 If you've never been there before it will give you an opportunity to work with a group of people who are willing to share information and help others learn. LOTW is over 100,000 acres and has many sections to it. One could spend many years trying to learn one section on their own.

#3 The group rate offers a discount helping to make the trip more affordable.
Posted 7/26/2004 7:41 AM (#113137 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Posts: 342

Location: Passaic, NJ - Upper French River, ON
1. Walsh's Bay Store Camp. Centrally located to go east or north. Hire a guide on your first day. Frank will give you a good 10-12 hour day on the water.
2. July. We booked for next year already and can't wait.
3. An early start, walleyes, pike, muskies and a safe return home before dark.

We used a Garmin GPS with blue chart card for LOTW, and found it reliable, except where map pages overlapped. It will keep you off the rocks if you're willing to work within 20' accuracies. I would not go out on this lake without a big reliable boat, full tank of gas, gps, and maps.

Good luck !
Posted 7/26/2004 4:00 PM (#113195 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Call Uncle Frank at Walshes Bay Store for sure..

Best Muskie Resort on the woods with out question...
Posted 7/26/2004 6:48 PM (#113219 - in reply to #113134)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL
Make that a third for a LOTW Muskie First outing

Posted 7/26/2004 8:00 PM (#113223 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Here's another vote for Bay Store Camp. Can't wait until I go back in August.

Posted 7/27/2004 11:58 AM (#113275 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Posts: 1237

Location: South Portsmouth, KY
Thanks guys! I will have to check into some of the places that you mentioned. Thanks.
Posted 7/27/2004 3:21 PM (#113295 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Another question that relates to this. Are any of the resorts mentioned above over crouded? I've been to Canada a few times- the first was a camp of about 35 cabins, lots of kids, very resorty. Nothing wrong with any of that stuff, but we want to go to fish and get away from all that. A resort with a small number of cabins and geared toward the musky guy is what we are looking for. The cabins don't even need to be that great- just a fishing camp. Thanks.
Posted 7/27/2004 3:46 PM (#113297 - in reply to #113101)
Subject: RE: Places To Stay at Lake of the Woods?

Poke, Bay Store is your place!

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