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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Crappie Trip!
Message Subject: Crappie Trip!
Posted 7/24/2004 9:42 AM (#113022)
Subject: Crappie Trip!

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Sue and I took a bit of a break, fished muskies for about 1 hour (Sue missed a very nice fish on a Violent Strike, the fish actually missed the lure) and then went after Crappies and Bluegills. Yummy!!! We fished them with a bit of Pink Gulp and a small twister/jig combo. The fish ignored the jig unless it was tipped with Gulp. We caught over 70, up to 91/2" on the gills and 12" on the crappies. Sue helps me clean, so we did 35 in 35 minutes, and had a superb dinner!!

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Posted 7/24/2004 4:22 PM (#113045 - in reply to #113022)
Subject: RE: Crappie Trip!

Posts: 1137

Location: Holly, MI
Gulp is awesome stuff. It has saved my summer going out with the little boys. A little piece on an ice fishing jig and a bobber and the panfish go wild. It stays on for many fish too unlike the live bait that doesn't catch any more but gets lost with just about every nibble. Nuttin' better than a big batch of crappie and gills fried up in butter. Sometimes you just have to chase the baitfish yourself, can't always just feed the Muskies.
Posted 7/25/2004 12:58 AM (#113068 - in reply to #113022)
Subject: RE: Crappie Trip!

Posts: 20232

Location: oswego, il
Those are some nice panfish. I think they are prettier when they darken up like that.

The lake I was fishing today is not a good crappie lake. This hillbilly bozo tells me at the boat ramp that all the muskies are eating them. He cleanded one not long ago and found three of them in it's belly. He must be pretty good to tell a half digested crappie from a shad. Poor guy, he and his daughter could only muster 40 crappie today in the livewell in about 3hrs. Those dam muskies!
Dave K
Posted 7/26/2004 12:31 PM (#113168 - in reply to #113022)
Subject: RE: Crappie Trip!

Posts: 114

Location: Chicago

I am heading up to Eagle River this weekend with the family. One of my goals is to get the kids on some panfish. Gulp looks like it maybe the ticket. I have never heard of or seen Gulp. What is Gulp and do the bait shops in the Eagle River/Rhinelander area carry this or do I need to order it before I come up?

Thanks in advance.

Dave K
Posted 7/26/2004 3:15 PM (#113193 - in reply to #113168)
Subject: RE: Crappie Trip!

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Nelsons Choice has the stuff in Rhinelander, about any selection you would need. Right next to Sears, across from K-Mart.
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