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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> How much bait roll is good?
Message Subject: How much bait roll is good?
Posted 7/26/2004 11:50 PM (#113235)
Subject: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 1504

Location: Oregon
I build musky baits in my spare time selling most of them on Ebay and to return customers. I have been working on a new patten the darts and glides nicely but has the tendency of showing it's belly if fished a bit more quickly. Since I live in Oregon and have never fished for musky, I'm wondering how much "roll" you guys consider a good thing. When I say "roll" I mean the bait will flip side-ways, almost belly up, and then just as quickly go back into a natural posture again. I would be interested in hearing the thoughts of some of you in this regard.

Thank you sincerely for your time.


Posted 7/27/2004 12:06 AM (#113236 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
I work most gliders like a mad man trying to GET them to roll like that.
Posted 7/27/2004 12:47 AM (#113238 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Roll is a very good thing, especially when there is a contrast color on the belly like white or orange.

I have seen your baits on ebay, they look great and the great colors are something we never see. I am wondering what you use these baits for.
Posted 7/27/2004 1:21 AM (#113239 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 1504

Location: Oregon
Thanks Steve, I appreciate your input. Todd I am not sure I follow your reply but you are correct in that I do try to offer something that you "don't typically see", that is my intention.

Thanks again.


Edited by RiverMan 7/27/2004 1:22 AM
Posted 7/27/2004 6:23 AM (#113242 - in reply to #113239)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Location: Athens, Ohio
When I first got my Wabull, I thought it was broken since it rolled about a quarter turn. I was (patiently) told that Mikie, that's a good thing, keep fishing.
Good luck with your baits. m
Posted 7/27/2004 11:21 AM (#113270 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 619

Location: Verona, WI
I have seen your baits on eBay and they are definitely paint patterns that the fish have not seen. I can't wait to get the one I bought. As far as the roll, as long as the colors are contrasting there's no such thing as too much roll. The contrasting colors combined with the roll make the bait flash more in the water.


Edited by ShaneW 7/27/2004 11:21 AM
Mark H.
Posted 7/27/2004 11:28 AM (#113271 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 1936

Location: Eau Claire, WI

Could you please send me your contact information. I might like to buy one or two from you to give them a try.

You may reach me at:

[email protected]

Posted 7/27/2004 11:56 AM (#113273 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 267

Location: Right behind you (tap, tap) BOOO
I like a good amount of roll, and think the fish do also. Kind of like ToddM said, especially if the colors transition nice from top to bottom. I have a phantom and I love the way that rolls.

RiverMan i'm interested in taking a look at what you have also...

esox23(at)comcast(dot)net or just leave your Ebay Name on this thread...

Posted 7/27/2004 2:22 PM (#113289 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
What is the ebay name you use so we can look them up?
Posted 7/27/2004 2:22 PM (#113290 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
What is the ebay name you use so we can look them up?
Posted 7/27/2004 3:10 PM (#113293 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 1504

Location: Oregon
My username on Ebay is RiverMan41. I generally place about 6 baits per month on Ebay, have just one bait listed now.

Here is a link for those interested in watching a "pool-side" video of my "beerbelly" bait.

Below is a picture of the lure in a perch pattern.

For those interested in seeing the patterns I have available please feel free to contact me.

[email protected]

Thank you again!


Zoom - | Zoom 100% | Zoom + | Expand / Contract | Open New window
Click to expand / contract the width of this image

Attachments beerbellyperch.JPG (42KB - 88 downloads)
Posted 7/27/2004 8:49 PM (#113324 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Riverman, that is an awesome color. You had mentioned that you do not fish for musky. I assumed you make the baits to fish for something else. They will work great on the musky.
Posted 7/28/2004 9:18 PM (#113453 - in reply to #113235)
Subject: RE: How much bait roll is good?

Posts: 2

Now a video link to see the bait in action before buy one......

Well that is just plain cool.

Love the finish on that bait you have pictured.

And that belly kick out of the bait in the video is going to get some hot looks.
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