
Posts: 2894
Location: Yahara River Chain | Hi all, I am asking your help identifying this bait. Some background - I purchased it about 4 yrs ago in Walker MN at Reeds. No name on it just a price (I think it was about $20).
Can anybody ID it for me???? Please no guesses. If you need diferent angles I will take more, let me know.
Edited by muskie! nut 2/19/2005 10:17 PM
Attachments ----------------
mysterylure1.JPG (21KB - 171 downloads)
Posts: 172
| i have the same bait in firetiger, got it from reeds, can't help you though. just another generic drop-belly glider i guess. |
Posts: 2089
| It's a glider made by Wade Witt from Wades Wobbler fame.I've heard them called a wide glide as well as a Wade 'o bama. Steve |

Posts: 2894
Location: Yahara River Chain | Thanks Jonesi, I knew someone from this board could ID the bait & real quick. I am doing inventory (yeah, I know bad idea!) and wanted to get a name to every bait I own. I and only 2/5 done and it almost 200 baits - yikes!
Gerard |

Posts: 20231
Location: oswego, il | I have had a couple, I sold them and one i want back now. What i found with mine is they do not glide side to side at all but more like a dive and rise salmo fatso with alot of wobble. |