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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!
Message Subject: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!
Posted 3/27/2024 6:57 AM (#1027270)
Subject: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 1328

For anyone interested in Minnesota's Muskie fishery. The more the merrier.

If the link doesn't work, paste into browser.
Posted 3/27/2024 5:38 PM (#1027293 - in reply to #1027270)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey

Posts: 1328

For a little background, below is from the co-chair of the MMPA, regarding this survey. It's not just for those who live in Minnesota.

"For well over a decade, we muskie anglers have been telling the DNR that the quality of Minnesota's muskie fishing has been declining. In many cases, it's just a shell of what it once was. And for well over a decade, they have not been listening. To be honest, they'd rather hear from people who think muskies eat wood duck eggs and attack grandchildren than listen to the anglers that buy licenses and pay their bills. The amazing muskie fisheries that MN once had were built through a collaboration between the MN DNR and the muskie anglers of the state. No other group of anglers have paid their own way, contributed so much, and helped support all aspects of healthy fisheries as much as Minnesota's muskie anglers have. Yet the DNR has continued to do less and less to support the muskie fishery, and has largely walked away from that working partnership.
In many cases, they simply don't want to do better. As an example, after 10 years of us telling them that the drastically reduced stocking rates for Mille Lacs were not working and the fishery was fading, they wrote a management plan that literally said muskie anglers were satisfied with the status quo. And when I confronted them on it I was told "Well, we really never intended to create a world class fishery", as though that's a good excuse to let a world class fishery die!
Reduced stocking quotas, muskie production shortages, and undersized fingerlings have become common. Meanwhile, increased angler numbers, expanded knowledge, improved equipment, and advanced technology have put additional pressures on the dwindling resource.
Cuts to the tiger muskie program without pure strain muskie replacements have further reduced angling opportunities.
And, native muskie waters are seeing more pressure than ever before, as anglers leave stocked lakes due to poor fishing.
The overall statewide muskie management plan expired four years ago, and they're finally now getting around to figuring out how to move forward!
They're saying this survey will help guide the next management plan.

We won't see improvements in muskie angling without increases in muskie production. And we won't see increased muskie production until the DNR acknowledges that what they're doing isn't good enough.
So here's our chance. They're asking for input, so let's give it to them!
Take this survey and let them know we expect more!
Pass this on to every muskie angler you know. Make sure to include the link. If the many thousands of muskie anglers in Minnesota don't make good on this opportunity to demand better from the DNR, we will never again have a leg to stand on. Each and every one of us needs to pass this on to every contact we have!

A couple things to note:
Several of the survey questions give you multiple options to answer in a range from "strongly disagree/oppose", all the way up to "strongly agree/support", with several intermediate options. However, depending on the particular computer you use, these options may be listed horizontally and the answer farthest to the right -usually the "strongly agree/support"- is not actually visible at first. Make sure you look for the scroll bar under the questions and scroll right to find that answer option. It's very easy to miss."
Posted 3/27/2024 5:48 PM (#1027294 - in reply to #1027270)
Subject: RE: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey

Posts: 32901

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
From the Muskies Inc. Facebook page:
MNDNR muskie webpage and survey for next muskie long rage plan
Below is a notification from the Minnesota DNR for a public input survey focused on the Muskie fishery. The MN DNR is currently 4 years behind on issuing a new long range Muskie management plan for the state. They are at last starting to go through the motions before they publish the plan. They are required to call for public input as part of the work. The Twin Cities chapter, the chapters across the state and other groups have spent a ton of funds and energy supporting the fishery in every possible way. We have also provided input on public opinion across the state and well beyond from across the Muskie world about the broad decline in the stocked/managed Muskie waters with little to no change in course on the fishery. We have tried to clearly communicate the fact that anglers no longer consider Minnesota a Muskie destination. TV/ YouTube shows don't film much at all here any longer, more often they are on Leech than any stocked water if at all. Steve Heitig of Muskie Hunter said he just drives on through now to Canada after years of fishing here in the past. Mike Keys actually casually commented in a recent show that they used to come here all the time but has not been here in a long time, and of course they fished Leech not Vermilion/ Mille Lacs/ Minnetonka etc.
Just wanted to inform you that the new muskie webpage and the scoping survey are all LIVE. Our DNR media release will come out later this afternoon.
• New muskie webpage with scoping survey at the bottom:
• Survey can be found at the main FAW EHQ page:
Please share this info! The survey will be open for 6 weeks and the input will help guide the ‘future management’ section of the new long-range plan.
Posted 3/28/2024 7:00 AM (#1027303 - in reply to #1027270)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 360

Location: Long Prairie, Minnesota
So my next question would be, once this survey is done and all data collected and what not. How long will it take the MNDNR to actually come to a conclusion, create a new management plan, and put the results of the plan into action? Knowing how everything else in this state works, I might never see another new musky lake stocked or restocking of the lakes already having musky.
Posted 3/28/2024 9:18 AM (#1027310 - in reply to #1027303)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 32901

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Pay attention to this one.
The MN DNR has put out a muskie management public input survey. See the attached link below.

For well over a decade, we muskie anglers have been telling the DNR that the quality of Minnesota's muskie fishing has been declining. In many cases, it's just a shell of what it once was. And for well over a decade, they have not been listening. To be honest, they'd rather hear from people who think muskies eat wood duck eggs and attack grandchildren than listen to the anglers that buy licenses and pay their bills. The amazing muskie fisheries that MN once had were built through a collaboration between the MN DNR and the muskie anglers of the state. No other group of anglers have paid their own way, contributed so much, and helped support all aspects of healthy fisheries as much as Minnesota's muskie anglers have. Yet the DNR has continued to do less and less to support the muskie fishery, and has largely walked away from that working partnership.
In many cases, they simply don't want to do better. As an example, after 10 years of us telling them that the drastically reduced stocking rates for Mille Lacs were not working and the fishery was fading, they wrote a management plan that literally said muskie anglers were satisfied with the status quo. And when I confronted them on it I was told "Well, we really never intended to create a world class fishery", as though that's a good excuse to let a world class fishery die!
Reduced stocking quotas, muskie production shortages, and undersized fingerlings have become common. Meanwhile, increased angler numbers, expanded knowledge, improved equipment, and advanced technology have put additional pressures on the dwindling resource.
Cuts to the tiger muskie program without pure strain muskie replacements have further reduced angling opportunities.
And, native muskie waters are seeing more pressure than ever before, as anglers leave stocked lakes due to poor fishing.
The overall statewide muskie management plan expired four years ago, and they're finally now getting around to figuring out how to move forward!
They're saying this survey will help guide the next management plan.

We won't see improvements in muskie angling without increases in muskie production. And we won't see increased muskie production until the DNR acknowledges that what they're doing isn't good enough.
So here's our chance. They're asking for input, so let's give it to them!
Take this survey and let them know we expect more!
Pass this on to every muskie angler you know. Make sure to include the link. If the many thousands of muskie anglers in Minnesota don't make good on this opportunity to demand better from the DNR, we will never again have a leg to stand on. Each and every one of us needs to pass this on to every contact we have!

This is the direct link to the survey:
Muskie Long Range Plan - Public Input | Engage with DNR | Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (

A couple things to note:
Several of the survey questions give you multiple options to answer in a range from "strongly disagree/oppose", all the way up to "strongly agree/support", with several intermediate options. However, depending on the particular computer you use, these options may be listed horizontally and the answer farthest to the right -usually the "strongly agree/support"- is not actually visible at first. Make sure you look for the scroll bar under the questions and scroll right to find that answer option. It's very easy to miss.

Here's the news release to go along with the survey:
Minnesota DNR seeks input on muskie plan update : Mar 25, 2024 | News release | Minnesota DNR (state.

And here's the DNR's muskie webpage:
Muskellunge | Minnesota DNR (

If the attached link gives anyone trouble, or if anyone gets this email without the included link to the survey, just go to the DNR's website at Home | Minnesota DNR (
Then scroll down to "DNR news" and find the heading "Minnesota DNR seeks input on muskie plan update".
Kirby Budrow
Posted 3/28/2024 9:43 AM (#1027311 - in reply to #1027303)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 2346

Location: Chisholm, MN
Manta18 - 3/28/2024 7:00 AM

So my next question would be, once this survey is done and all data collected and what not. How long will it take the MNDNR to actually come to a conclusion, create a new management plan, and put the results of the plan into action? Knowing how everything else in this state works, I might never see another new musky lake stocked or restocking of the lakes already having musky.

They will get it done. Whether the plan is what we want is the question. It's hard to get the DNR out of their own way but the squeaky wheel gets the grease and they don't like to say no to anybody.
Posted 3/28/2024 9:55 AM (#1027312 - in reply to #1027311)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 32901

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Josh Borovsky Fishing Video, What Happened To Minnesota's Muskie Fisheries?
Worth your time to watch.


Posted 3/28/2024 10:21 AM (#1027313 - in reply to #1027312)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 651

Location: Duluth
I didnt see the section of the survery where I get to blame the "Wolfs"

Everyone should, take the time to fill this out. MI and MMPA have a lot of good people working behind the scenes, the DNR even has some darn good people. Have to let them know what we want.
Posted 3/28/2024 4:57 PM (#1027326 - in reply to #1027270)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 153

Location: MN
I submitted my survey and added my comments....

I used to catch 15 to 20 fish a year. Now if I catch 5 its a good year. Forest lake has seen a steady decline in the numbers of fish in it. My wife has been trying to catch her second muskie for 10 years now, she's getting frustrated and says she would rather fish Leech or Cass. We live minutes from Forest and are able to fish there more often. She can even see there are fewer fish there (Forest) to catch. I would like to bring friends that have never caught a muskie to Forest and be a to tell them that we will at least raise a fish and see one. I cannot do that anymore.

Get with the program and restore the fishery we had. There is more than enough studies that have proved muskies don"t eat walleyes with any regularity. Lake associations should not be in charge of fisheries management.
Posted 3/28/2024 10:59 PM (#1027331 - in reply to #1027270)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 121

Location: Twin Cities Metro
Mostly a question for we MN people, but anyone with an opinion is very welcome to comment…

MN fingerling production is capped right now at about 26000 per year. I expect that limitation is in place due to lack of resources (hatchery infrastructuee, etc…). What would we be willing to do to get effective stocking production in the 50000 range? Recognize that the most realistic way to do this is to hold those fingerlings over the winter and stock them as yearlings (their increased survival rate as yearlings means each yearling is worth around 3-5 fingerlings). That will likely double the cost of production and require expanded infrastructure and other resources. How do we get our (MN) DNR those added resources?
Posted 3/29/2024 7:44 AM (#1027333 - in reply to #1027270)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 567

Location: deephaven mn
The availability to winter over fish has been a problem in the past. This year the DNR has increased the winter over abilities at the New London and the Waterville hatcheries. They only have a few lakes designated to accept yearlings .Which i question why? Stocking yearlings is the way to go as mentioned by Robert K above. Please note this in your surveys so the DNR increases the stocking of yearlings.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 3/29/2024 8:39 AM (#1027336 - in reply to #1027270)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 2346

Location: Chisholm, MN
I don't know exactly why they can't produce the babies but I know they used to do it. I don't see what the problem is. MN is overtaxed. They have gobs of money. Get it done.
Posted 3/29/2024 8:42 AM (#1027337 - in reply to #1027336)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 651

Location: Duluth
The DNR has to compete on the open market for scarce bait, this is one known temporary issue.
Posted 3/29/2024 4:46 PM (#1027354 - in reply to #1027336)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 1328

Kirby Budrow - 3/29/2024 8:39 AM

I don't know exactly why they can't produce the babies but I know they used to do it. I don't see what the problem is. MN is overtaxed. They have gobs of money. Get it done.

Lots of hatchery issues for all fish. That should be getting addressed, as all those tax dollars that created the big surplus, are getting distributed, and one of the bigger piles that the DNR got, is specifically to address our aging hatcheries. Just need to steer them away from the new recirculating technology they are showing interest in.
Posted 4/9/2024 12:40 PM (#1027587 - in reply to #1027354)
Subject: Re: Minnesota DNR Muskie Survey ACTION NEEDED!!!

Posts: 360

Location: Long Prairie, Minnesota
TCESOX - 3/29/2024 4:46 PM

Kirby Budrow - 3/29/2024 8:39 AM

I don't know exactly why they can't produce the babies but I know they used to do it. I don't see what the problem is. MN is overtaxed. They have gobs of money. Get it done.

Lots of hatchery issues for all fish. That should be getting addressed, as all those tax dollars that created the big surplus, are getting distributed, and one of the bigger piles that the DNR got, is specifically to address our aging hatcheries. Just need to steer them away from the new recirculating technology they are showing interest in.

I don't think the ability to make babies is the problem, I think the choice of what babies are being made is the problem. Out of Minnesota's 15 hatcheries, there are only 4 that produce Musky offspring. Out of those 4, Waterville produces fry to be transported to different musky hatcheries to be raised to fingerlings, or they sell the fry to private hatcheries. So basically, there are 3 hatcheries that produce fry/fingerlings that will be stocked in lakes. Those hatcheries are also raising other species of fish as well. We have 4 hatcheries in the state that are dedicated solely to producing trout. I don't know the numbers, but I would tend to believe that if you matched dollar for dollar, musky anglers bring a heck of a lot more money into the state than trout anglers. Someone correct me if I am wrong here, but.......

Not sure who calls the shots as to what species of fish is need to be raised, but I think they might have their head up their 4th point of contact.
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