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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> old muskie hunter magazines
Message Subject: old muskie hunter magazines
Posted 8/1/2023 2:30 PM (#1022667)
Subject: old muskie hunter magazines

Location: Eastern Ontario
do these things have any value I have one huge box to heavy to ship . First 10 years starting 1989 complete maybe first 20 years after that sporatic issues. Unsure why i kept them just a natural pack rat. I sold $8000 worth of fishing tackle and you wouldn't know anything was missing you accumulate a lot in 80 years . Time to thin the herd so daughter dosen't have to.
Posted 8/1/2023 2:35 PM (#1022668 - in reply to #1022667)
Subject: RE: old muskie hunter magazines

Posts: 229

I had a tough time giving my collection away. I had every print issue. Good luck. LOL
Posted 8/1/2023 2:46 PM (#1022670 - in reply to #1022667)
Subject: Re: old muskie hunter magazines

Location: Eastern Ontario
Abu 7000 interesting handle I've been using Abu 7000's to cast bucktails since 89 or 90 learned from Mark Windell in one of the first issues. Fortunately I have big hands.
Posted 8/2/2023 6:01 PM (#1022694 - in reply to #1022670)
Subject: Re: old muskie hunter magazines

Posts: 229

Used the 7000 for 25 years; it is a superior reel. Doug Johnson showed me how to use it and why it was the reel for speed. I sold 19 of the and then switched to Tranx 500 High Speed with a really long jigging handle. It puts the 7000 to shame. However, I bought most of my 7000 reels off ebay for around $50 each. I sold all 19 for $2,000 and reinvested in 3 Tranx 500 high speed plus the long handle. It was about an equal money deal. I still have one 7000 and every so often use it just to compare it to the 500 Tranx...there is no comparison. 7000 is still a great the on a bunch of $$$$$

Edited by Abu7000 8/2/2023 6:13 PM
Posted 8/3/2023 9:20 AM (#1022710 - in reply to #1022667)
Subject: Re: old muskie hunter magazines

Posts: 1459

Location: Brighton CO.
I have ever issue a few from around 1997 got some water damage, maybe I should take a inventory and have you ship them to me or maybe just say the hell with it and get rid of them all!
Posted 8/3/2023 3:36 PM (#1022732 - in reply to #1022710)
Subject: Re: old muskie hunter magazines

Location: Eastern Ontario
chuckski - 8/3/2023 10:20 AM

I have ever issue a few from around 1997 got some water damage, maybe I should take a inventory and have you ship them to me or maybe just say the hell with it and get rid of them all!

Did you ever go back and reread them I know I didn't?
Posted 8/3/2023 4:29 PM (#1022733 - in reply to #1022667)
Subject: Re: old muskie hunter magazines

Posts: 1459

Location: Brighton CO.
I do! (and look at the adds from the day) Same for Esox Angler too.
Posted 8/3/2023 4:36 PM (#1022734 - in reply to #1022667)
Subject: Re: old muskie hunter magazines

Posts: 8797

I've kept Muskie, MH, and In Fisherman magazines for ??? long now, saying I was going to read them again. The other day I picked one up and started flipping trough it. It's worth picking them up again for the nostalgia factor alone. Stories about up and coming fisheries that since came and went, ads for gear that you don't even see on the swap tables anymore, hot new baits that turned out to be garbage. Sad to look back at the pictures and see all the guys who are no longer with us, though.
Slime King
Posted 8/4/2023 8:26 AM (#1022745 - in reply to #1022667)
Subject: Re: old muskie hunter magazines

Posts: 494

Location: midwest
I greatly enjoyed some of the different articles in Esox Angler...too bad that went away so quickly. It just ran out of money.
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