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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Minnesota open water
Message Subject: Minnesota open water
Posted 5/29/2022 7:09 PM (#1006651)
Subject: Minnesota open water

Posts: 225

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
I have been fishing vermilion very regularly for the last 6 years or so and am very familiar with the whole June open water bite. I know that it goes on in other Cisco based lakes throughout the state as well. This year I am going to try to fish the metro more during week days when I’m not on vermilion. Has anyone here done that same open water June pattern on panfish lakes? I would assume that schools of perch/crappie/whatever would have a similar open water movement to feed on the bug hatches, so I would assume the big females would follow them out just like they do on cisco/whitefish lakes. I’m especially curious with the small lakes we have with very defined basins like eagle, harriet or owasso. I will definitely be putting some time in over the next week to see for myself but has anyone else followed this pattern on non Cisco lakes?
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