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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Open water?
Message Subject: Open water?
Posted 3/21/2022 8:57 PM (#1003740)
Subject: Open water?

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Who has open water? We have 25" of ice here still.
OH Muskyman
Posted 3/21/2022 9:05 PM (#1003741 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 57

Open water here in OH, boated a little one Saturday and raised 4 others, one being a nice 48ish fish. Water temp was 48-51.
OH Muskyman
Posted 3/21/2022 9:07 PM (#1003742 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 57

Also I’m sure most have seen but a new WV state record was caught Saturday, 55 inches and 51 lbs.
North of 8
Posted 3/21/2022 9:15 PM (#1003743 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: RE: Open water?

sworrall - 3/21/2022 8:57 PM

Who has open water? We have 25" of ice here still.

Well, yeah, but in in spots we have water on top of that ice, that should count for something.
Posted 3/22/2022 7:54 AM (#1003747 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
A Buddy of mine went 20 for 32 on lake trout on the big pond yesterday.
Posted 3/22/2022 8:58 AM (#1003750 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 332

Location: In the slop!
As of Sunday it's open in central Ia, though we did troll around some icebergs. Did not catch or see any fish however.
North of 8
Posted 3/22/2022 9:20 AM (#1003752 - in reply to #1003750)
Subject: Re: Open water?

We are a long ways from open water in northern WI as Steve points out but a sure sign of spring showed up this morning. Across the lake from our house is an open channel and this morning while having my coffee watched a pair of swans land in the channel. They show up in the spring on their migration to the tundra in Canada where they breed. They will hang around until water opens to the north. Tough way to migrate but apparently the first swans to get to the breeding grounds get the best spots and they have evolved in that manner. Better indicator of approaching spring than the geese.
Posted 3/22/2022 10:19 AM (#1003756 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 267

Snowing like heck here in central MN right now.
Posted 3/22/2022 10:32 AM (#1003758 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 427

Open in Ohio all lakes
Posted 3/22/2022 2:22 PM (#1003768 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 1461

Location: Brighton CO.
We get a lot of late snow here in the front range of Colorado but not real cold for the most part. But two weeks ago it went all week below freezing and below 0 at night. Today I stopped a little city pond in our town and it was wide open. It is 40 with strong cold wind, but it's going to be in the 70's by the weekend. We get the more snow in March more then any other month and of course it can snow one day and two days later be 80. I have some lures are just dying to get wet.
Posted 3/22/2022 3:05 PM (#1003769 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 210

Mississippi is open and many of the launches Pool 3 & 4 are ice free. First two went through on Sunday and got stuck in lake Pepin. After sending in reinforcements the center of lake Pepin is now open so floating ice conditions Alma and downstream will get bad in a day or two. River is projected to go up 4.5 feet by next Tuesday. That should blow out what ice remains
Posted 3/23/2022 8:43 PM (#1003803 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 21

Location: NJ
Lakes have been open here in NJ for a few weeks. Hopefully, I can get out this weekend and attempt to catch my first muskie while specifically targeting them this year vs catching them by accident per say while bass fishing.
North of 8
Posted 3/23/2022 8:53 PM (#1003805 - in reply to #1003803)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Nasty here in Oneida. Went out for a planned group dinner, seemed to be better but snowed the whole time. Had to clear a couple 30' pines off my road and two off my driveway just to get in. Thankfully 6" diameter jack pines. Lots of folks without power again, after regaining it earlier today. Would not want to be a lineman tonight. Trees were snapping and falling in the woods as I cut up those blocking the road. Moved pretty fast for an old fart!
Posted 3/23/2022 10:00 PM (#1003807 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 1287

Location: E. Tenn
No of 8..

Here in the south, it seems all we ever get is "heart attack snow"... that heavy wet slushy stuff.. Several years ago I was in Minneapolis, picking at the breakfast bar, while waiting for the 5AM airport shuttle. The big story on the early AM TV news was the heavy wet snowfall, and how it would be next to impossible to get around.. My reaction was "Welcome to our hell". I laughed my butt off, when part of our load was a dozen snow shovels bound for Duluth..

Our most recent snow down here was perfect... 3" of fluffy stuff, and nothing on the paved surfaces.. It was close to 80 degrees, , and 36 hours later it was in the mid 20s.

Edited by miket55 3/23/2022 10:10 PM

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Posted 3/24/2022 8:23 AM (#1003812 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Location: Athens, Ohio
I trolled CAve Run with my buddy Mike for a day and a half. He finally got one last night -34- after I had to head head home. Good to be out again, weather and conditions were great except for the 'no fish' thing.
Heading to Piedmont next Friday with Mauser for a week of either tormenting the fish or the other way around. m
Top H2O
Posted 3/24/2022 11:34 AM (#1003816 - in reply to #1003812)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
I'm glad you are enjoying your retirement. I'm jelly! be safe out there.
Posted 3/24/2022 11:38 AM (#1003817 - in reply to #1003816)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Location: Athens, Ohio
Dude, I'm taking it one day at a time! m
Posted 3/24/2022 5:25 PM (#1003823 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 3876

Open water year-round here on Bull Shoals. All that work to ice fish up north was great fun back in the day. But not so much now.
OH Musky
Posted 3/24/2022 5:34 PM (#1003824 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 405

Location: SW Ohio
As others have said, OH and KY are open. One trip to each last weekend. Nada but great to get out. Fished shirtless at Cave Monday but did get a bit sunburned. Lol.
Posted 3/27/2022 3:19 PM (#1003888 - in reply to #1003740)
Subject: Re: Open water?

Posts: 1461

Location: Brighton CO.
Warm day here in the front range of Colorado in the 70's raked a bunch of leaves in my back yard and pulled some of the first weeds of the spring and gave the back yard a good soaking. A couple of the better fishing lakes in metro Denver are opening to boating on Friday April 1st. There's a chance for a rain/snow mix this week. And yes there's fire burring in the foot hills by Boulder 122 acres and 21 percent contained. North and west of the big fire in town last Dec. After the dry summer and fall Boulder had record snow this winter now a fire already go figure.
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