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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> How Many?
Message Subject: How Many?
Posted 3/7/2022 6:45 PM (#1003254)
Subject: How Many?

Posts: 651

Location: Duluth
How many of you guys have fished with people you met through this forum. I have and hope to continue to.
Posted 3/7/2022 7:26 PM (#1003255 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 1463

Location: Brighton CO.
None! In the past I've tried to line things with guy's in both Minnesota and Wisconsin thru friends and most have fell thru!
Did get a 50" thru a Muskie INC hook up in Minnesota.
Posted 3/7/2022 10:06 PM (#1003260 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 1254

Location: Walker, MN
A couple of M1st guys as occasional fishing partners for 8 or 10yrs now. At first it was cursed with no fish at all, kept at it, great friendships and great fish to boot.
Posted 3/7/2022 10:09 PM (#1003261 - in reply to #1003260)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 1732

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
2, met one through here for a sale that became one of my best friends. Another friend is on here, but he and I knew each other before I joined.
Posted 3/7/2022 10:36 PM (#1003262 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 2024

Pretty much all the guys I have fished muskies with, except guides, are connections from M1st. It started with the family emergency that ended up leading me to the Spring Bay Summer Outing in 2013, where I met some of the greatest guys. We do things outside of that outing now. There's also a guy IL that offered to take me out on Kinkaid and another Vermilion buddy, Randy.
Posted 3/7/2022 11:33 PM (#1003263 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 1516

Met guys at the outings fished with one of them Really nice guy
civil twilight
Posted 3/8/2022 6:48 AM (#1003266 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 24

Location: Southern WI
Helped a guy out with getting his first awhile ago but that was off lake link. Think I fished with one guy off here a couple falls ago but didn’t hit it off. Fellow Dead fan here. Come on down and fish with me if you’re dying to get out early May before your season opens up there in MN or if you’ll be attending Phish at Alpine Valley.
Posted 3/8/2022 7:37 AM (#1003267 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Location: Athens, Ohio
Mauser, Raze1, CincySkeez, Papa Joe, Keith Worrall, Manitou Dan,Jason Smith, Mike Koepp, Treats, Tony Grant, who am I forgetting? I've been blessed with many acquaintances from this site, some who have become friends. m

Edited by mikie 3/8/2022 8:50 AM
Posted 3/8/2022 10:50 AM (#1003282 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Everyone as well as where I fish can be traced back here directly or by degrees of separation. Even my involvement in M.I. is the result of Slamr and Luke Chinewalker talking me into joining in the chat room.

This site is and always be what we make of it.

Edited by ToddM 3/8/2022 10:52 AM
Posted 3/8/2022 2:02 PM (#1003301 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 333

Location: SE Wisc
I’m probably too young for many of you to hang with. Judging by the number of posts you’ve made throughout the years I’m guessing many of you are in your 80s or 90s ??
Posted 3/8/2022 3:26 PM (#1003306 - in reply to #1003301)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 7056

Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
None. Bunch of frickin.....
Posted 3/8/2022 5:08 PM (#1003312 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 1329

Met a number at fall outings, only fished with a couple.
Posted 3/9/2022 10:41 AM (#1003340 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 2030

5, a couple I've gone on week trips with - probably should be more...everyone I've met here and fished with is good sh!+

Edited by IAJustin 3/9/2022 10:42 AM
Posted 3/9/2022 11:16 AM (#1003341 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 3876

A bunch. Papa Joe, MuskyOne, Al Warner, Treats, Worrall, Paul, Shep, The Mighty Hulbert Brothers, Cisco, The Heinous One and more I can't recall right now.

Papa and I met up a few times to fish our way to and from Dead and Widespread Panic shows. So. Much. Fun.
Posted 3/9/2022 3:12 PM (#1003345 - in reply to #1003301)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Ciscokid82 - 3/8/2022 2:02 PM

I’m probably too young for many of you to hang with. Judging by the number of posts you’ve made throughout the years I’m guessing many of you are in your 80s or 90s ??

I past the century mark a couple centuries ago.
North of 8
Posted 3/9/2022 3:19 PM (#1003346 - in reply to #1003345)
Subject: Re: How Many?

ToddM - 3/9/2022 3:12 PM

Ciscokid82 - 3/8/2022 2:02 PM

I’m probably too young for many of you to hang with. Judging by the number of posts you’ve made throughout the years I’m guessing many of you are in your 80s or 90s ??

I past the century mark a couple centuries ago.

Ha! I fished with a younger guy last summer, little over half my age. He is a game warden and as we discussed how musky fishing has changed, in particular how releasing fish is the norm today, he tentatively asked if they were still allowed to shoot musky back when I started. Now, I didn't miss that era by much but boy did that make me feel old!
Posted 3/10/2022 7:56 AM (#1003360 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Location: Athens, Ohio
They had to outlaw shooting muskies in Kentucky a while back.

Folks were waiting til the fish got in the bottom of the boat and that caused some problems. m
Posted 3/10/2022 8:44 AM (#1003364 - in reply to #1003360)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 1287

Location: E. Tenn
mikie - 3/10/2022 8:56 AM

They had to outlaw shooting muskies in Kentucky a while back.

Folks were waiting til the fish got in the bottom of the boat and that caused some problems. m

On a trip to Kentucky Lake some years ago, we were getting ready to head out. Couldn't help but notice the bikini clad hottie boarding her new fiberglass ski boat. All of a sudden there was a blood curdling scream, and the sound of gunshots.. It turned out there was a snake under the console.

I don't know how the snake made out, but there were a half dozen .45 holes through the deck of the boat.
North of 8
Posted 3/10/2022 9:34 AM (#1003367 - in reply to #1003360)
Subject: Re: How Many?

mikie - 3/10/2022 7:56 AM

They had to outlaw shooting muskies in Kentucky a while back.

Folks were waiting til the fish got in the bottom of the boat and that caused some problems. m

It was outlawed in WI in 1965. I had actually fished for musky one summer before then with the owner of the little 3 cabin resort where we were staying. He was a long time musky fisherman, but said he had never used a gun, rather a gaff and a club. I asked him about the stories of people shooting holes in their boats and he said there were lots of stories but didn't personally know anybody that had done it. He made the reasonable observation that a firearm in the hands of someone all excited about catching a musky might not be a real good idea. I wonder if Larry Ramsell has done any research about this.
Posted 3/10/2022 5:27 PM (#1003377 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 373

Location: On the River
I have not and I normally fish alone
Posted 3/12/2022 12:32 PM (#1003443 - in reply to #1003301)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Ciscokid82 - 3/8/2022 2:02 PM

I’m probably too young for many of you to hang with. Judging by the number of posts you’ve made throughout the years I’m guessing many of you are in your 80s or 90s ??

How to endear us older guys.

Lots and lots of friends and hours in a boat. Slamr is being facetious. Shocking.
Posted 3/12/2022 5:18 PM (#1003449 - in reply to #1003301)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 3876

Ciscokid82 - 3/8/2022 3:02 PM

I’m probably too young for many of you to hang with. Judging by the number of posts you’ve made throughout the years I’m guessing many of you are in your 80s or 90s ??

I've been active on M1 for just over 20 years. I be turtle old.
Posted 3/13/2022 8:50 AM (#1003458 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Location: Athens, Ohio
I was there when they tore down the building to make room for erecting the 'old school'. Like my Aunt Bea used to say, "I'm older than my teeth and younger than my gums!"
And, forgot to list Norm Wild, Gene Daul, Toncat, MikeHulbert, and I think there's still a few back in the fuzzy part of my brain that I'm not recalling. m
Posted 3/13/2022 12:02 PM (#1003460 - in reply to #1003254)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 1463

Location: Brighton CO.
When I was a young guy everybody said "boy they anybody drive" or " if you hook one of those Muskie it will pull you in the lake" The first 31 years in California I was the young guy the last 30 years in Colorado I was the old guy. I don't remember being just right! If I wanted a beer I did not dare leave my house without my ID till was about 45. To all you younger guy's blink and few times and before you know it people think your old. And for the record I'm not old!
Posted 3/13/2022 12:57 PM (#1003461 - in reply to #1003460)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 8797

I fished with a lot of the "older guys" from this site when I was a younger guy, and I remember laughing to myself when they were passing Advil and Tylenol around the boat... Aside from the wealth of knowledge and skill they shared with me back then, there were some valuable "non fishing lessons" I would have had to learn the hard way:

- You don't have to beat the water to a froth if you know where to put a cast and when.
- You can throw a pounder all day if you want, or you can throw a pounder where and when conditions warrant
- There's no shame in taking a break or throwing smaller lures
- There's also no shame in going back to the cabin for a few hours when nothing is moving
- Always carry toilet paper and wipes
- Wear comfortable shoes
- You can fish better and longer if you don't stay up until 2:00 am drinking
- If fish have been moving in the afternoon, there's no reason to start at 6:00 am
Posted 3/13/2022 8:27 PM (#1003467 - in reply to #1003461)
Subject: Re: How Many?

Posts: 493

Location: Northern Illinois
esoxaddict - 3/13/2022 12:57 PM

I fished with a lot of the "older guys" from this site when I was a younger guy, and I remember laughing to myself when they were passing Advil and Tylenol around the boat... Aside from the wealth of knowledge and skill they shared with me back then, there were some valuable "non fishing lessons" I would have had to learn the hard way:

- You don't have to beat the water to a froth if you know where to put a cast and when.
- You can throw a pounder all day if you want, or you can throw a pounder where and when conditions warrant
- There's no shame in taking a break or throwing smaller lures
- There's also no shame in going back to the cabin for a few hours when nothing is moving
- Always carry toilet paper and wipes
- Wear comfortable shoes
- You can fish better and longer if you don't stay up until 2:00 am drinking
- If fish have been moving in the afternoon, there's no reason to start at 6:00 am

Lol! Truth here!
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