Posts: 60
| Do you put split rings on all lures or just some types of lures? |

Location: Athens, Ohio | some baits work better with them, some not. Just another connection betw you and the fish that can fail, so use them wisely. Best reason is when your leader's clip won't fit in the bait's eye hole. m |
Posts: 60
| I have heard that inline spinners work better with split rings.
Is that true? |

Posts: 617
Location: Michigan | All my leaders have a split ring instead of a snap at the leader-to-lure connection. Snaps wear pretty quickly and will eventually break. Split rings last much longer and provide a more secure connection. |
Posts: 2030
| I've found split rings to get weak and break if you change baits a lot , they actually wear out quicker than a stay-loc changing baits...(if you split ring a bait 100 times or you open a stay-loc 100 times either has a high chance to fail) ..I was on the split ring kick about 10 years ago and went back to stay-loc snaps... 1000's of fish on stay-locs no issues, but I do replace my stay-locs probably more often than is needed but again why take a chance...very inexpensive to do when compared to all the other expenses.
Posts: 393
| I use split rings more to help with the action of the lure rather than concern over wear and tear on the connection. I use split rings almost exclusively with suicks, phantoms and jerk baits. |
Posts: 1459
Location: Brighton CO. | I make my own leaders with a solid ring ,spit ring lure to solid ring (solid ring is fatter then leader material less chance of ring opening up) Split rings are inexpensive CHANGE RINGS OFTEN (the split ring of course) not solid ring. |

Posts: 3491
Location: Elk River, Minnesota | Hiya!!
I'm still a split ring fan on wire leaders. So...every lure gets a split ring and because the steel leaders are thinner than Fluorocarbon, they do not wear out anywhere near as fast as a snap. Since the split ring stays on the lure, I am not fatiguing it over the loop on the lure. Once on, it stays on. So...for me, every lure has them.
Steve |