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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Your top lures for shallow muskies?
Message Subject: Your top lures for shallow muskies?
Posted 9/10/2021 3:56 PM (#989770)
Subject: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 60

What lures do you have success with when they are in 5' or 6' of water around rocks and beaches.
true tiger tamer
Posted 9/10/2021 4:34 PM (#989772 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 343

Muskies- Rumbler, tigers-Whopper Plopper.
Posted 9/10/2021 4:34 PM (#989773 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 2030

Many will probably say blades and when fish are not negative is often the way to go.. but take your pick...almost anything can be productive with fish sit-in 5 feet deep....Topwater, Blades, rubber, crank baits, glide baits, dive/rise, tubes, swim jigs, creatures ..on and on .. weather conditions/water temps and then mood of fish would help determine which I'd throw the most of on a given period of the day...
Posted 9/10/2021 5:08 PM (#989774 - in reply to #989773)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 389

Location: Northern Illinois
More of weeds and downed trees for me when shallow, not really the beach thing but...

One of them is a slopmaster used in the cabbage, around laid down trees, and piers. I like to make short casts, imagining where the fish might be, and have the blade spinning immediately when it hits the water for a reaction strike.

Other ones that produce for me are a 6 inch depth raider ripped down in weed pockets or a Mepps musky killer that you meander through open patches in cabbage.

Edited by mm3 9/10/2021 6:56 PM
Posted 9/10/2021 5:45 PM (#989775 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 60

I value the input.
ToddM what do you think?
Posted 9/11/2021 10:06 AM (#989783 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 68

I like big and loud in wind and quieter and more subtle when calm, but always slow. That being said I very rarely throw topwater in calm conditions unless it is a peak low light window or I have a fish located. I much prefer baits with a pause otherwise.
Posted 9/11/2021 12:34 PM (#989786 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Twitch baits like cranes are awesome. Shallow gliders like phantoms and hellhounds. Some of your selection will be dictated by how shallow the water is that your lure is landing into. You may be in 5-6ft but your lure is landing in 1ft or less. Time of year will also determine bait selection as will cover. If it's just rocks a bucktail or topwater would be great. If there is an edge of some sort I like a lure that can hang or pause on that edge.
Posted 9/12/2021 7:52 AM (#989792 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Location: Ontario
I love my Boilermakers in shallow water.
Posted 9/12/2021 8:33 AM (#989793 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Location: Athens, Ohio
Jerk baits, twitch baits. bucktails, topwaters. m
OH Musky
Posted 9/12/2021 12:26 PM (#989794 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 405

Location: SW Ohio
Shallow rocks I use bass crankbaits or baby depth raiders. Crawl and bang them off the bottom. Works well here in OH. Been catching them anywhere from 1'-8' lately. Water's dropping down thru the low 70's now and the baitfish are pulling out of the shallows so the muskies are following.
Posted 9/12/2021 4:40 PM (#989798 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 1459

Location: Brighton CO.
One of my home made Wizzes or baby Depth Raider.
Pa Tigers n trout
Posted 9/12/2021 8:17 PM (#989807 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: RE: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 269

Location: Central Pennsylvania
In my eyes shallow is less than or equal to 3 feet, anyway, glides reign king for me.
Posted 9/12/2021 8:25 PM (#989808 - in reply to #989770)
Subject: Re: Your top lures for shallow muskies?

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Muskie's vision is mostly looking 'up'. If the muskies are a foot off the bottom in 5, you need the bait in the top foot and a half or less of the water column for maximum effect. The rest depends on what the fish is doing in there. That will determine the bait as a result of the desired speed of forward movement.
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