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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> Packaging
Message Subject: Packaging
Posted 3/29/2020 10:46 AM (#956721)
Subject: Packaging

Posts: 31

Trouble with packing large lures for retail 12" to 15" long any ideas I have looked around but nothing can come with that size. I have looked at cylinders that might work. Any thoughts.

Posted 3/29/2020 1:04 PM (#956728 - in reply to #956721)
Subject: RE: Packaging

Posts: 1348

Location: Pewaukee, WI
Why not just use clear plastic tubing on all treble hooks to protect anyone handling the bait and fore-go the packaging completely? If that doesn't work for you then I'm sure you can find someone who makes clam shell clear plastic boxes through the internet.

Edited by bigbite 3/29/2020 1:05 PM
Posted 3/29/2020 9:59 PM (#956758 - in reply to #956721)
Subject: Re: Packaging

Posts: 1023

Been down this road before. U want some made you are looking at 1000 count.
Put tubing on hook points and a zip tie on line tie loop and call it a night.
Posted 3/30/2020 7:57 AM (#956778 - in reply to #956721)
Subject: Re: Packaging

Posts: 31

Plastic tubes is the answer but when you put caps on them it comes out to 4.00 to 5.00 a tube that is without printing a card for it. I would like to avoid that much, I want it to look good along with all the other lures in retail shelving. I bought a musky lure with a vinyl bag and that was more costly, what can I say it was made in China and that is out
But thanks to you guys I will keep digging.
Posted 3/30/2020 8:38 AM (#956783 - in reply to #956778)
Subject: Re: Packaging

Posts: 1348

Location: Pewaukee, WI
Wayne, one place to find the plastic tubing is on E-Bay. A seller by the name of
"On Fire Guy" sells the tubing tubing that you'd want. You can buy a 25', 50', or a 100' roll very reasonably. Tubing that is 1/8" o.d. dia. is perfect for 7/0 trebles and is reasonably priced. They would cut the tubing to any length per piece that you'd want, but that would be an extra charge. You could do that yourself if you use or buy a paper cutter.

Another option for hook guards would be to go to Menard's or Ace Hardware and buy screen spline. Get the biggest diameter. It works great!

Edited by bigbite 3/30/2020 8:40 AM
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