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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support
Message Subject: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support
Posted 3/14/2020 9:43 AM (#955896)
Subject: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Posts: 176


I've been thinking about this a lot. I'm in the industry and am at a lot of shows. I also have a son who works in the medical field. I can tell you with what's going on the passionate Muskie fisherman in me wanted to go to these events and I was scheduled to be at both, but knowing what is going on I'm very glad they are canceled. This thing spreads and spreads beyond the capacity of our facilities to handle it if we don't do something like quarantine's and do them fast.

That being said, I'm going to make it a point to shop at Dorn who sponsors the Cap City event, and shop at Ross's Sport Shop and others while I'm sitting here at my computer at home instead of shopping in the isles at the shows, I'm going to make a conscious point to make a purchase with as many vendors as I can over the next couple of days. I'm not going to try to get my money back for pre purchased tickets etc... I support these events and vendors and want them to be able to continue and we don't need to put anyone at risk doing so.

I'd ask any of you that have the means or the interest, to make a point of supporting them this weekend or in the coming weeks or months of quarantine. They have payroll to meet, mortgages to pay, inventory to sit on and pay for and just support them for supporting our hobby and making those great events and products available to us now and in the future.

Here is a list of the two events, run down the list and find someone to support if you can or so choose: They aren't hot links, but you guys know how to do it.

MuskieFirst also supports and attends both of the events and keeps us informed as to what is going on, can you imagine 15 years ago how we would have gotten that information? We'd call or drive there or wait until the next magazine came to our mailbox.

These are unprecedented times, but the Muskie family can make it through!

I wish you all health in the coming days, weeks and months.

Steve Reinstra
Posted 3/14/2020 12:12 PM (#955906 - in reply to #955896)
Subject: Re: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Posts: 255

Location: MadCity Wisconsin
Thanks for your support Kevin!

Capital City Muskies Inc.
Muskie School Committee

Edited by Steve Reinstra 3/14/2020 12:13 PM
Posted 3/14/2020 12:17 PM (#955907 - in reply to #955896)
Subject: Re: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Location: Neapolitan Chain Of Lakes
I ordered from Ross's sport shop, team rhino, Thorne Bros., And the musky shop yesterday!!! Lol....instead of stocking up on toilet paper I was worried about getting my musky baits before they were all gone!!!!! I mean think about it everyone is going to be at home, really looking forward to fishing, and no sports on TV. Holy crap screw toilet paper I better get my baits!!!! And I am going fishing today self quarantined to the shore with a small amount of space between me and the trees. Until I hear of fish getting or giving the virus I will not social distance myself myself from them and I will go to the lake and breath fresh air.
Posted 3/14/2020 4:15 PM (#955911 - in reply to #955907)
Subject: Re: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Posts: 258

Location: Madison, WI
esox109 - 3/14/2020 12:17 PM

I ordered from Ross's sport shop, team rhino, Thorne Bros., And the musky shop yesterday!!! Lol....instead of stocking up on toilet paper I was worried about getting my musky baits before they were all gone!!!!! I mean think about it everyone is going to be at home, really looking forward to fishing, and no sports on TV. Holy crap screw toilet paper I better get my baits!!!! And I am going fishing today self quarantined to the shore with a small amount of space between me and the trees. Until I hear of fish getting or giving the virus I will not social distance myself myself from them and I will go to the lake and breath fresh air.

Looks like we're both in the same boat. I just took an inventory. I have 4 gallons of water, 4 rolls of toilet paper, and 1,652 crankbaits! (but this includes walleye crankbaits too), so I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who has my priorities in the proper order.

Armed with these 1,652 crankbaits, I think I'm fully prepared for any crisis that life can throw at me.

Bring it on!

"Jackpot" John Schroeder

Posted 3/14/2020 4:21 PM (#955912 - in reply to #955896)
Subject: RE: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Posts: 258

Location: Madison, WI
With respect to the OP, that's a great idea Kevin.

Here in Madison, we just had the Canoecopia event cancelled yesterday. I was planning to attend, because I was looking into a potential future trip to the Wabakimi Wilderness area.

Anyway, somebody else had posted to their event page something similar to what you had written ("Hey, let's support these vendors with online purchases.")

And I think it's a FABULOUS idea. Many of these vendors have spent great time and effort in preparing for the shows. And the shows themselves most likely represent a significant portion of their anticipated annual sales (especially for the smaller, "Mom and Pop" type businesses or the Basement Bait makers).

So, I do plan to pull out the credit card here fairly soon and make a purchase or two to help support a vendor and do my small part to help them mitigate the losses.

Thanks for sharing this, Kevin!

"Jackpot" John Schroeder
Posted 3/14/2020 10:18 PM (#955925 - in reply to #955896)
Subject: Re: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Posts: 1329

We need some smart computery person to put together a "virtual" Expo. Vendors could each have their own tab, and post photos of each product, and we order from the site. Well, maybe for the next pandemic anyway.
Posted 3/15/2020 8:48 AM (#955937 - in reply to #955925)
Subject: Re: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Posts: 244

Location: Madison
Don't forget to support other small businesses and restaurants.
Posted 3/15/2020 1:48 PM (#955960 - in reply to #955925)
Subject: Re: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
OFM will be working with Paul this week to get this figured out. We manage the daily social and ad buys for Chicago, Milwaukee, and Minnesota, and have several ways to accomplish a virtual show. I'm thinking galleries of images with website links and social placement on the Minnesota Muskie Expo page plus an ad campaign so people actually can see the promotion. Properly done, this will work well and reach folks who couldn't attend anyway in the process.
Posted 3/16/2020 5:24 PM (#956025 - in reply to #955960)
Subject: Re: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Posts: 176


I'm glad to see you have plans in process.

Conservation Guy
Posted 3/16/2020 6:13 PM (#956028 - in reply to #955960)
Subject: Re: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

Posts: 109

Nice Steve. This is the new norm for business, education and entertainment for the foreseeable future.
North of 8
Posted 3/16/2020 6:58 PM (#956033 - in reply to #956028)
Subject: Re: Cap City Muskie School, Minnesota Muskie Show support

That would be a really nice way to help the businesses connect with customers. I was fortunate to attend the Wausau show a couple weeks ago. Thinking back on how packed it was at 2:30 PM on a Friday, I would not have gone if it was happening this weekend. Wonder if some way to stream the seminars that were going to be done at the show? Don't have a clue what that takes, maybe it is not practical. From what I understand, the canceling of large in person events is good from a health standpoint, but it has to be tough for vendors who have a limited window each season to make a lot of their sales.
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