Posts: 9
| Hello, I'm using since 3 years the staylock snap from mustad. In those 3 years, I broke one while attaching a lure due metal weakness and last week one went open during the hookset at my feet, luckily the lure went flying and didn't hook the Fish! The first one that broke may be due lack of care and using to long but the one that open was almost a new one.
I always use heavy fluo.
I told this to a very expierienced angler wich had similar problems and since he uses the folowing system he never had problems with this, pike fishing is his job so he fishes a lot.
It's just a flat knot with a mushroom burned on the end wich you loop in the knot and then pull tight, I tested this system and it's indeed very strong if you carefully melt the fluo without burning it black.
Does anyone has seen this before or have any suggestions for me? I also stopped using crimps and swivels and attach my braid to my fluo with the fg knot.
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