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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Moons
Message Subject: Moons
Larry Ramsell
Posted 1/25/2018 7:01 AM (#890497)
Subject: Moons

Posts: 1294

Location: Hayward, Wisconsin
Super blue moon to coincide with lunar eclipse for 1st time in 150 years.

A blue moon, a supermoon and a lunar eclipse will all fall on the same night at the end of January in an event that hasn’t happened in over 150 years.

Too bad it isn't happening in the summer. Would be interesting to see what effect, if any, it would have on the muskies.
North of 8
Posted 1/25/2018 7:15 AM (#890501 - in reply to #890497)
Subject: Re: Moons

My sister lives on the water in a remote area of SE Alaska and she is wondering what the tides will be then. They have charts telling when low and high tides will be, but thinks this may create an anomaly.
Posted 1/25/2018 9:45 AM (#890524 - in reply to #890497)
Subject: Re: Moons

Posts: 1284

Location: E. Tenn
Nof8... It would be interesting to see the difference in spring tides and neap tide fluctuations... My guess is the sun and moon are already more or less "aligned" (for lack of a better term) during new and full moons, so an eclipse would make a minor difference.

Here's a little something to play with. I'll look at it too when I have some down time.

Edited by miket55 1/25/2018 9:50 AM
Posted 1/25/2018 10:11 AM (#890526 - in reply to #890497)
Subject: Re: Moons

Posts: 1425

Location: St. Lawrence River
Hopefully it makes the walleyes go crazy... so far my 4 best days on the ice were early Jan full moon, then 2 weeks later, new moon.. those 4 days resulted in 5 walleyes over 10 pounds. Im hoping this upcoming moon wil be good!
North of 8
Posted 1/25/2018 10:11 AM (#890527 - in reply to #890497)
Subject: Re: Moons

I was in Alaska for ten days at the end of may, early June in 2017 and one night they had one of the highest tides predicted for the year. We actually discussed using it to bring some of the building materials to the site by boat but decided against it. It was interesting that the next morning the inlet was full of bull kelp, branches and trees that had been on the shore but the high tide floated them off the beaches. My brother in law has been a commercial fisherman for over 40 years and while his son now captains the boat, he still tracks the tides. Even some of the fishing seasons are set by the tides. They do a short crab season next month and the start date is tide related.
Posted 1/25/2018 10:18 AM (#890528 - in reply to #890497)
Subject: Re: Moons

Posts: 244

Location: Mallard Island Lake Vermilion MN
How did you do fish'n last time it happened Larry Sir?

Any sketches?

Had to do it me boy.

Cancer Sucks~~~ Nine Years Cancer Free the one an only Musky T. ~~ Everyone's Woody Woodpecker...


Keep on rocken!


Lots of action my place.

Edited by KidDerringer 1/25/2018 10:25 AM
Posted 1/25/2018 10:35 AM (#890530 - in reply to #890497)
Subject: Re: Moons

Posts: 461

Ha Ha Ha, Classic.
Posted 1/25/2018 12:21 PM (#890536 - in reply to #890530)
Subject: Re: Moons

Posts: 2285

Location: SE, WI.

Well, The Eclipse bite in September was Lights Out....;)...Pun Intended......Crazy Good!!!


Posted 1/29/2018 9:43 AM (#890786 - in reply to #890497)
Subject: Re: Moons

Posts: 1220

Trying to get used to the salt life in the winters here and the tides are the 800 pound gorilla in most rooms. Any bait shop worth its "salt" has its own tide chart cards printed up every month, maybe including some tip, sponsor ad, or special of the month. Certainly with every smart phone having a dozen good apps, and your newer locators showing really good tide charts too, those cards are mostly redundant. But the information is critical. Most noticeable to me is the tiny sectors for each tidal prediction boundaries. In some cases, on a clear day, you can actually see multiple areas (three, four, five?) with really different times. This is so noticeable that you can actually run your trolling motor and virtually chase a rising tide while you fish. My take on this is that the moon phase information we rely on up North is far more critical to the exact place we are on a particular lake. So, if you took a pretty good sized lake like say, Vermillion, you might have three or four spots where what the moon is doing is really quite different. Then, if that were at all true, a chart time for Cass Lake, although very much in the same time zone would offer something totally different. I see this as an unproven theory, maybe just a fantasy, but I really believe we have gotten nowhere near what we will actually know someday about what the moon means to us and our aquatic friends. To an inshore "slam" hunter in SW's his Bible.
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