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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Payback time!
Message Subject: Payback time!
Posted 1/21/2018 5:18 PM (#890270)
Subject: Payback time!

Posts: 27

Location: Montreal, QC
My buddy who taught me everything about musky fishing many years ago haven’t had the chance to gone much in the last few years, guiding for other species, and we agreed that we should go out soon. Forecast call for "some" wind for the next day but, you know, "we should be fine"; so it’s a deal done, we’ll take my boat! And he’ll also bring his new girlfriend, who never caught a musky…

The next morning at the launch, the rain that poured all night just stopped but there’s still 25kts wind with whitecaps. Being there, we weren’t to turn around but, being unable to even stand up in the boat, it’s been a no brainer to start trolling.
After less than an hour, one of the clicker went off but with a steady sound, almost like if it was a snag, until my friend pull it out of the rod holder to realize there’s something angry at the other end and pass it to his girlfriend. After a few back and forth to the boat, she managed to guide it into the Big Kahuna, where we realize it was not only a big one, but a really big one.

After a quick pic and release, we’ve tried to explain to her that it’s not always as easy, that she’s been really lucky to catch a fish of a lifetime, that we could have spent the day without a bite, or be happy with a 42’, but chances are she’ll be spoiled!

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Posted 1/21/2018 8:18 PM (#890276 - in reply to #890270)
Subject: Re: Payback time!

Posts: 27

Location: Montreal, QC
I almost forgot to include all the "important" stuff:

Time of year: mid-July
Location: St. Lawrence River, out East
Speed: 5mph
Depth: 3 FOW
Bottom: rocks, weeds
Lure: firetiger Outcast
Size: 55"x dunno"

Edited by saumon 1/21/2018 8:19 PM
Posted 1/22/2018 8:29 AM (#890286 - in reply to #890276)
Subject: Re: Payback time!

Posts: 483

wow, great fish
Posted 1/23/2018 8:01 AM (#890363 - in reply to #890270)
Subject: Re: Payback time!

Posts: 1425

Location: St. Lawrence River
Beauty. Looks like a fish out of the O.
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