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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Rod comparison
Message Subject: Rod comparison
Posted 7/29/2015 5:18 PM (#778325)
Subject: Rod comparison

Posts: 72


My name is Christian and I fish in Austria for pike. The problem I have is that there is no chance here in Austria to compare different musky rods because the shops simply dont have any to get my hands on.

At the moment I own a St. Croix Downsizer and a MI Hall of Fame 4-16 oz Bulldawg rod. I am very happy with both rods, I use the Downsizer for smaller baits and for trolling (slow trolling with the rod in my hand) and the MI for bigger and harder pulling baits.

But I feel the gap between those two rods is too large and I am searching for something in the middle. The problem I have is that the manufacturers are very different with their lure ratings.

Basicly I need somebody who can compare the 4-16 oz HOF bulldawg rod to the St. Croix lineup.

Is it stronger than a Big Dawg, or more like a Big nasty or a sling blade?


Posted 7/29/2015 5:56 PM (#778331 - in reply to #778325)
Subject: RE: Rod comparison

Posts: 287

Location: Oconomowoc, WI
The MI Bulldawg rod would be most like the Big Dawg. Either the slingblade or the Big Nasty would be a good rod in the middle. Both are great rods and can both handle very similar baits. I think I'd probably go with the slingblade.
Posted 7/30/2015 4:57 AM (#778380 - in reply to #778325)
Subject: Re: Rod comparison

Posts: 72

OK. Another guy told me that he owns the MI HOF 4-16 oz and a premiere 2-6 oz and he said they are very close in power.

I was wondering if that could be true and if it makes sense to buy a 2-6 oz rod if there is nearly no difference.

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