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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Tranx HG problem
Message Subject: Tranx HG problem
Posted 7/26/2015 2:15 PM (#777841)
Subject: Tranx HG problem

Posts: 180

I've noticed a terrible sound on occasion when I set the hook coming from what sounds to be the gears in my Tranx HG. The sound then follows up with the gears not wanting to catch and can't really bring in the bait until they catch again. This is the same awful sound that you might hear if you accidently engage your reel in the middle of a cast. The gears have gotten so bad that basically any heavy resistance results in the gears not catching. Any thoughts? The reel isn't being used the rest of my trip. I'm assuming I'll have to send it to pike master or Shimano. Thanks for your input.
Posted 7/26/2015 3:56 PM (#777868 - in reply to #777841)
Subject: Re: Tranx HG problem

Posts: 1100

Could be the bearing on top of the pinion that's started to corrode, and there for the pinion don't get a good grip on the spool, had this happen to both of my D reels.
Posted 7/26/2015 10:17 PM (#777916 - in reply to #777841)
Subject: Re: Tranx HG problem

Posts: 1729

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
your reel was engaged on the cast. you need a new pinion gear. i would suggest replacing the main gear as well.
Posted 7/27/2015 4:13 PM (#778026 - in reply to #777841)
Subject: Re: Tranx HG problem

Posts: 527

Agree with RJ. Definitely a pinion gear issue. If you replace the pinion, might as well do the main gear too so they will mesh properly.
Posted 7/27/2015 11:42 PM (#778093 - in reply to #777841)
Subject: Re: Tranx HG problem

Posts: 180

Thanks guys
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