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Muskie Fishing -> Fishing Reports and Destinations -> LOTW Water Levels
Message Subject: LOTW Water Levels
Dan Klis
Posted 6/25/2014 5:11 PM (#717833)
Subject: LOTW Water Levels

Posts: 153

New notice on the water levels on LOTW

Dave T.
Posted 6/25/2014 5:40 PM (#717839 - in reply to #717833)
Subject: Re: LOTW Water Levels

Posts: 512

Going up for my first time on July 13th.. Any ideas of what to expect??

Will the resort im going to be under water?

I tell ya im a bite killer!!!

Posted 6/26/2014 8:22 AM (#717912 - in reply to #717833)
Subject: RE: LOTW Water Levels

I wouldn't get so discouraged about the high water. I've had some very good success in extremely high water and one of my best years in Canada with high water. I like high/rising water better than dropping water levels. You'll just have to change up your tactics. These type of conditions, my best success has been shallow, landing baits on shore type of shallow... You notice the water levels start dropping, the back off a little.
Dave T.
Posted 6/26/2014 12:02 PM (#717958 - in reply to #717912)
Subject: RE: LOTW Water Levels

Posts: 512

Maybe its good ive never been up there, so ill be starting new..

I was thinking some neck down areas or saddles where there is current pushing through might hold some fish.

So you fished super shallow even without weeds??
Posted 6/26/2014 2:04 PM (#717984 - in reply to #717833)
Subject: RE: LOTW Water Levels

Yup, whatever is there. On several southern resevoirs during high water, caught fish off structure such as picnic tables, in submurged parking lots
& boat ramps, etc. LOTW will be rocks, wood, sand, whatever..
Posted 6/26/2014 2:45 PM (#717995 - in reply to #717833)
Subject: Re: LOTW Water Levels

Posts: 31

Im currently in minaki right now and fishing has been really good for far, both my girlfriend and I have caught our personal bests (48.5 and 45). The water is very high but hasn't affected the muskies much. They seem to be in shallow bays that have lots of rock. Seen many just laying on rock three feet deep.
Posted 7/1/2014 10:47 PM (#718781 - in reply to #717833)
Subject: Re: LOTW Water Levels

Posts: 95

Something to watch out for is the many hazards that are usually only a foot or two out of the water take a look at your charts and they show a (1)* for example means that this rock is 1 foot above the water during normal pool. so if the lake is 3 feet high these rocks are 2 foot under and can cause you a lot of head ache if you do not pay attention. the lake levels will not effect the fishing much in terms of quality just pay attention to wind current and back flow and you will catch fish.
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