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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> northern pike base color?
Message Subject: northern pike base color?
Posted 2/25/2014 6:28 PM (#694154)
Subject: northern pike base color?

What color is best for a pike basecoat?  Mix colors to get an olive green or us a certain color green from the bottle?  Thanks for any info.


Stan Durst 1
Posted 2/25/2014 6:33 PM (#694156 - in reply to #694154)
Subject: RE: northern pike base color?

Posts: 1207

Location: Pigeon Forge TN.
Base coat is white, Then you can blend the rest of the colors in.
Posted 2/25/2014 6:46 PM (#694162 - in reply to #694154)
Subject: Re: northern pike base color?

I may have worded the above post wrong. Looking for the color green that is most commonly used. Do I need to mix to get an accurate color?
Posted 2/25/2014 6:57 PM (#694164 - in reply to #694162)
Subject: Re: northern pike base color?

Posts: 21

5-6 drops of yellow to 1 drop of black
Stan Durst 1
Posted 2/27/2014 7:58 PM (#694751 - in reply to #694164)
Subject: Re: northern pike base color?

Posts: 1207

Location: Pigeon Forge TN.
I used a transpar medium bass green
Posted 2/27/2014 10:00 PM (#694791 - in reply to #694154)
Subject: Re: northern pike base color?

Thank you for the help.
Posted 2/28/2014 7:07 AM (#694827 - in reply to #694154)
Subject: RE: northern pike base color?

Posts: 1202

Location: Money, PA

The base color for a Pike, my pike, is not green at all. I use a cream as the base color for a pike....All of my base colors usually start from the belly color...I start from the belly and work up layering paints and finishing at the top. Everyone has their own style....As for the green of a pike, I start with a medium olive green and add small amounts of dark brown to it until I get the desired shade....The green shades of the pike vary from the top down.  Below is a Pike I did a while back...its hard to tell from the pick because of the lighting, but theres also some iridescent green there as well.


Stan Durst 1
Posted 2/28/2014 7:34 AM (#694835 - in reply to #694827)
Subject: RE: northern pike base color?

Posts: 1207

Location: Pigeon Forge TN.
As Paul just said, everyone has thier own blending . No pike from differ lakes or parts of the Country are exactly the same. River and lake pike are much lighter than pike from a swamp.

Hey Paul, Very Nice looker you got there.
Posted 2/28/2014 12:00 PM (#694932 - in reply to #694154)
Subject: Re: northern pike base color?

Thank you for the help Paul.
Posted 2/28/2014 12:49 PM (#694939 - in reply to #694154)
Subject: Re: northern pike base color?

Posts: 1202

Location: Money, PA
Thanks Stan, and you are exactly right...the Pike from different areas certainly vary in color. Mine would be more of a northern Canadian lake pike that's been hangin' out in the weeds!

Edited by ShutUpNFish 2/28/2014 12:50 PM
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