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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Storm Giant Flatstick
Message Subject: Storm Giant Flatstick
Posted 8/1/2011 1:48 AM (#509887)
Subject: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 258

Location: Madison, WI
Hi guys,

Just curious if anybody here can give me any reviews of this lure. Seems to have a pretty good reputation on the Thorne Bros board, and there's a good video on the muskytacklonline site. Thinking about adding a few to the trolling arsenal, and was looking for feedback from anybody who has used these.

Thanks in advance!
"Jackpot' John Schroeder
Posted 8/1/2011 10:55 AM (#509925 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 1169

Location: New Hope MN
I trolled with one for 1.5hrs during during a low activity level and got zero rips. Action seemed pretty good.
That's all I got for ya.
Posted 8/1/2011 3:35 PM (#509958 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I really like the wobble and what it does on a twitch. It has more of a crane style wobble than the baits in it's category, a good thing imho. The price is right too.
Posted 8/1/2011 3:54 PM (#509962 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 1142

Location: NorthCentral WI
I've only cast mine for about 30 minutes. The biggest thing I noticed was the rattle - very different sound compared to other rattles I thought, which is good. Looked good and it will see some more time this fall.
Posted 8/1/2011 3:55 PM (#509963 - in reply to #509958)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 619

Location: Verona, WI
I spent about 2 hrs throwing one on LOTW and got a 44" and a 33" and moved a couple of others. I really like this bait and will continue to use it. I used it with a very slow retrieve and it had a wide wobble and was VERY loud. I would recommend it over an 8" Jake or a 9" Grandma.

My recommendation would be to upsize the hooks if you buy them and then T the hooks. With just a small amount of use, the hooks were already wearing through the finish.

Posted 8/1/2011 4:05 PM (#509965 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 43

Ive trolled it a lot this summer with some good success. I like trolling 4-5 mph and it keeps up great. It seems to be different enough than other baits it gets a lot of looks from the fish. I would definitely recommend
allegheny river kid
Posted 8/1/2011 6:51 PM (#510000 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 463

Location: Sw Pennsylvania
I've gave mine a fair amount of swim time this summer with no action. I like the action and the way they handle the speed. Had it up to 7mph and never missed a beat.
Posted 8/1/2011 8:46 PM (#510026 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 209

Location: Big Falls MN
Awsome bait imo. caught a number of fish trolling and casting seem to hold up well and like said above the price is right and the UV stuff they use in the paint is awsome for stained or dirty water the loud rattle sounds good to.
Posted 4/21/2013 11:47 AM (#636484 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: RE: Storm Giant Flatstick

How deep were you trolling? Did you had any sinkers when trolling? I just bought it yesterday and cant wait to try it. I fish for pike tho
Posted 4/21/2013 2:03 PM (#636492 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 69

One word of caution is they are not very durable between myself and two others we have had 5 take on water and not run quite the same. With that said they catch fish until the water weight kills their action.
Posted 4/21/2013 3:20 PM (#636497 - in reply to #636492)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 1360

Location: Lake "y" cause lake"x" got over fished
Had a ton of follows on them. Boated 3 on mine and lost one to a big fish two seasons ago. Action is good, they have great dead stick capabilities as well as work wonders on the twitch. The UV ones really shine during low light periods as well. I really like this bait. It also has a loud rattle, u can hear it coming to the boat. Id pick up one or five. Good baits.
Posted 4/22/2013 11:11 AM (#636677 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 56

Location: Stanley, WI
I have 4 of the Giant flatsticks and the Green Tiger UV is almost always attached to one of my rods when I am fishing turbid or stained water throughout the summer. I have also had several big fish follow on other colors. The wobble and rattle are very unique and seems to get them moving more than any of the other crankbaits in my box. I haven't had any of the durability issues that were discussed in an earlier report. In fact, I actually just picked up a few of the NEW smaller (6 1/4") flatsticks to try out this season.
Posted 6/3/2013 12:18 PM (#644651 - in reply to #636677)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 432

Location: Eagan, MN
These things float, right? Like level, on the surface. I gave one a run this weekend and it kind of hangs head down, pretty much neutrally buoyant. I can't tell if it's leaking and taking on water. Can't decide whether to exchange it or just get my money back.
Posted 6/5/2013 1:36 PM (#644992 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 553

Location: 15 miles east of Lake Kinkaid
They are suppose to float, that being said the ones I used all took on water and sank. They are also quite a bit smaller than a 10" Jake or 9" Grandma. As mentioned above they are excessively loud; something I did not particularly like.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 6/5/2013 2:03 PM (#644999 - in reply to #509887)
Subject: Re: Storm Giant Flatstick

Posts: 2346

Location: Chisholm, MN
Seems like some float and some don't. Mine floats just fine, but I've seen some sink right out of the box. I would like to have one of each.
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