Location: Green Bay, WI | Anyone spent any time in or around Thief River Falls, MN? There is a chance that I might need to spend a bit of time there for work, and I was just wondering about the area. Looks pretty nice from what I've seen online and in YouTube videos.
TB |
Posts: 379
Location: Thief River Falls MN | I live there, pretty quiet area. Has fast food, WalMart and all the typical stuff for a town this size. Best hotels are probably the C'mon Inn Americinn and Best Western. Not a big town for the nightlife but you can get into a little trouble if you want to...
Not a lot for fishing opportunities besides the River in town, but about 90 minutes from awesome walleye fishin on LOTW and Upper Red lake, the same from Bemidji. Give me a shout when it gets closer to your scheduled arrival and I can answer some questions you may have.
Edited by toddb 4/14/2013 11:08 PM
Location: Green Bay, WI | Great...I'll definitely take you up on chatting about it. Looking forward to possibly getting to work up there--although nothing is for certain yet of course. Looking at it from Google Maps though, the area looks very nice. I'm not much of a "night-life" guy at this point in my life, so the lack thereof isn't going to bother me at all.
Thanks so much for the post!
TB |