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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> New to painting...
Message Subject: New to painting...
Posted 1/30/2013 4:13 PM (#613588)
Subject: New to painting...

Posts: 2

I've searched the web, read through dozens of forums...I picked this one to ask questions since it seems to be the most informative.
I have been painting and airbrushing motorcycles for over 20 years. Everything is done in automotive paints.
So..I get a call from a small local company who isn't happy with the turn around time they were getting from another painter. She asked if I would be interested in painting some for them. Told her I'd give it a shot.
They are all metal, powder coated lures/spoons.
Experience tells me you don't paint over shiny without scuffing it so the paint will stick. She says..he just shoots paint on them...I say..ok, but.....
So I paint up 50 to her design, clear with automotive paint (PPG) same as I use on all my bikes. I put 3 good coats on. She picks them up a few days later and tries to get the hooks on and the paint chips off. (As I assumed it would)
I told her in my opinion, they need to be scuffed, primed and then the airbrushing followed by clear. The other problem is..some of them are just the powder coated color with airbrushed dots or lines on them. Kinda hard to go through the hassle of shooting primer in just those spots.
My question would you approach painting these? Also I've read so much on this 2 part epoxy, spinning, bubbles....if I have to get into it that deep, I'll end up passing on painting these. Seem to be a lot of work if this is a side job to take on. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Any help would be appreciated.
Posted 1/30/2013 4:48 PM (#613594 - in reply to #613588)
Subject: Re: New to painting...

Posts: 304

Location: PA
I would say you are an experienced painter already. Do what you do to your bikes, if the spoons don't need to be shiny then scuff them up. The auto clear should work fine on metal. Good luck
Posted 1/31/2013 8:01 AM (#613743 - in reply to #613594)
Subject: Re: New to painting...

Posts: 2

Thanks I found a site to get clear primer which will be great for the ones they powder coated and aren't completely covered with a color. Never heard of clear primer, but found it.
Stan Durst 1
Posted 1/31/2013 8:22 AM (#613753 - in reply to #613743)
Subject: Re: New to painting...

Posts: 1207

Location: Pigeon Forge TN.
Use the experience with metal that you already have. What the person did before was not working and that is why she came to you. When people come to me for painting, I use my experience and not some one elses.
I have learn by trial and error over the years and very seldom ever have any problems. You can also buy adhesive promoter ( it is clear) at the auto parts store it is a prep primer and works on any paint. I still scuff first always.
I use all auto paint in lacquer and two part auto clear with great success.

Posted 1/31/2013 1:03 PM (#613852 - in reply to #613588)
Subject: Re: New to painting...

Posts: 260

Location: Almost Heaven
Stan is right and no matter what you are painting nowadays you need to top coat the paint. If i did not epoxy my baits there would be no paint left on them after a day on the water. I was going to say use clear sealer but, you found a clear primer. There is alot of info on here but Stan uses the stuff you are accustomed with. I sometimes use Devcon2 30 minute epoxy but it takes more time to mess with than spraying clear coat on a lure. Good luck
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