Posts: 4266
| Here is a finger saver for everyone.
Item# 420-1010
Take a look through this site for all sorts of Lure-Building Buddies. Jigs for drilling weight holes dead center and more. Another great resource for those who live in the basement.
Posts: 399
Location: Burton, Ohio | Hey beaver, I drove by that place today. It is just down the street from me. That is neat idea. I can't tell how many times I have had a piece of wood go flying! Looks to be on sale also.
Posts: 4266
| I was impressed when I saw it. I still have all of my fingers, but have had wood take off across the garage a couple of times. This looks like it would be a wise investment. Found a few other goodies in the catalog that would make lure making easier.
Beaver |
Posts: 615
Location: Madison, WI | Beaver
Thanks looks good...one question. Looks like if you had let's say a grandma style bait roughed out, you would have to reposition the finger saver in order to router the entire side? Could be looking at it in correctly, anyone used one before?
MS |
Location: Eastern Ontario | The coments on the A E site arn't real posivitive the guy that liked it only after modification |
Posts: 225
Location: Nordeast Minneapolis | Beaver, thanks for posting this! I have to admit, I suffer from routerphobia. I have one just waiting to be used, and I haven't even turned it on yet. I'm scared of losing fingers. I ordered one of those things, and will probably make the modifications the commenter suggested. Anything that gets me to use it is a good thing! I know the router will cut the amount of time I spend shaping lures down considerably. |
Posts: 556
| Be carefull with the router thing-----I have some modified vice grips I use to keep my fingers away from that thing---My wife was an emergency room nures here during the 90's building boom---SHE SAW several Very Bad Router injuries that const. workers came in with--I mean like serious tips of the fingers GONE Forever. I am so carefull and use these tools that I have modified---Would hate to loose a tip of my finger for a musky bait. |
Posts: 1141
Location: NorthCentral WI | esox911 - 8/7/2012 6:50 PM Would hate to loose a tip of my finger for a musky bait.
C'mon now. Is there a more worthy cause to lose a fingertip? |
Posts: 21
| I, too, had routerphoiba. But after working with one almost daily, i've overcame it. Still have all ten fingers, have seen two guys take large amounts of hide off. Word to the wise, take your time, take a small amount out at a time. Make numerous passes. Never use a dull bit. Good Luck! |