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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod
Message Subject: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod
Posted 6/6/2012 4:43 PM (#563732)
Subject: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod

Posts: 909

Does anyone know if a 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod is a good rod for a beginner to fish a small river with? I heard I should go with a 10 wt!

Thanks ...Brian
Posted 6/7/2012 6:20 AM (#563812 - in reply to #563732)
Subject: RE: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod

Brian, there is only about 50 grains of weight difference between a 9 and a 10 flyline.
Your nine will work just fine if you learn how to operate it properly!
good luck!
L Dahlberg
Posted 6/7/2012 6:37 AM (#563814 - in reply to #563732)
Subject: Re: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod

Posts: 2361

And why would you want to buy a 4 piece fly rod?
Posted 6/7/2012 6:45 AM (#563817 - in reply to #563814)
Subject: Re: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod

Posts: 1906

Location: Oconto Falls, WI
firstsixfeet - 6/7/2012 6:37 AM

And why would you want to buy a 4 piece fly rod?

Why not?

I would believe a reason for a 4 piece would be for travel reasons.
Posted 6/7/2012 7:02 AM (#563820 - in reply to #563732)
Subject: Re: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod

Posts: 2361

Well, aside from giving a beginner a fly rod that probably costs twice what similar performance would, in another brand, you now have triple the joints in a two piece, triple the areas that even slight damage can siginificantly affect you. Travel impediment? Where would a rod case under 5 feet not travel?

I'm sure this would be a well made rod, but historically, my experience with more than two pieces has been ? disheartening.
Posted 6/7/2012 7:25 AM (#563823 - in reply to #563732)
Subject: RE: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod

Posts: 1906

Location: Oconto Falls, WI
I haven’t seen any issues with multi-piece rods when you assemble them, properly. Put together with the eyes 90° apart, and then turn the blank the 90° to line up the eyes.

I would agree though that for a beginner I am not so sure I would go to a Sage, but if they want to have at it. The only reason being the amount you are going to spend on something you are not so sure you will even like. I have dabbled in fly-fishing for muskies, and it is tough work. However, maybe if I would have gotten a Sage rod it would be a bit easier for me to cast.

Brian before you buy also check with Jeff Breidenbach (EsoxFly on here I believe). He does a ton of fly fishing, and I believe also builds fly rods. I got a bunch of flies from him that look really nice. I am sure he could give you opinions on a set-up to start with.

I assume part of the reason for the Sage selection is Brian is finding a deal on it.
Posted 6/7/2012 9:42 AM (#563850 - in reply to #563732)
Subject: Re: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod

Posts: 4343

Location: Smith Creek
You fishin for pike? Go with a 10.
Slime King
Posted 6/7/2012 10:31 AM (#563858 - in reply to #563732)
Subject: Re: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod

Posts: 494

Location: midwest
A z-axis 9wt will work ok for muskies. It would not be my first choice for a beginner or for very large flies. That is a pretty fast rod designed for high line speeds and a caster with pretty good skills/timing. For a beginner I would stay with a mod-fast rod in a 10wt. It is a really nice fly rod, but not the best choice for a beginner (in my opinion). I would suggest you go to a local store and cast a few 10 wts to get a feel for what you like.
Posted 6/7/2012 12:53 PM (#563892 - in reply to #563732)
Subject: Re: Fly Rod- 9ft 9wt 4pc Sage Z-axis fly rod

Posts: 1144

Location: Minnesota.

All good replies. I fish an 8wt, a 9 wt and sometimes a 10wt. Sometimes. I don't use larger, heavier flies -maybe 6-7" long and so I do just fine.

Topwaters, it's the Dahlburg Diver (thanks Larry!) or sometimes a foam-headed fly with a thin, synthetic trailing body (ala Dahlb. Diver style). Streamers it's an all-synthetic fly and typically has some larger eyes.

I'm throwing an 8wt IMX or more preferably a Sage SP+, both in a 2 pc. config. Also have a nice RPLX that is a fine rod. I don't travel and have had a Sage Xi2 (4pc) and found I needed to keep on stopping to re-tighten the sections after every hour or so of casting. Even with a light coating of rod wax/beeswax on the sections.

Anyway, all my rods are 2 pc now and I honestly prefer my 8wt SP+ with both an 8 line and sometimes a 9 line.

We're all different in how we cast so you can decide after trying for yourself.

And I've been known to fish some pike on a 5wt IMX! Yup. A blast!

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