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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> What size split rings to get??
Message Subject: What size split rings to get??
Posted 6/2/2012 10:37 PM (#563067)
Subject: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 258

Location: Madison, WI
Hi guys,

I'm putting together a Musky Tackle Online purchase and want to get some split rings (most likely wolverine).

However, without looking at them in person, I don't know which size I need. I will be using them to attach 4/0 and 5/0 trebles to depth raiders, Triple D's, 9 inch grandmas, and 10 inch Jakes etc.

Can somebody please tell me what is the correct size for this application??? I think MTO offers them in size 5, 6, or 7.

Thanks in advance for any info!

"Jackpot" John Schroeder
muskie! nut
Posted 6/2/2012 10:55 PM (#563068 - in reply to #563067)
Subject: Re: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 2894

Location: Yahara River Chain
#7s are normally the standard sizes on muskie baits
Posted 6/2/2012 10:58 PM (#563070 - in reply to #563068)
Subject: Re: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 258

Location: Madison, WI
Hey thanks, Gerard!

As long as you're in a question answering mood....

What's the best reel for DC-10s, in your opinion?

Posted 6/3/2012 1:34 AM (#563071 - in reply to #563067)
Subject: Re: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 271

Location: davis,IL
#7... Bucher super split rings..... Reel... well, I personally don't burn DC10's.... but the new Shimano Tranx is an animal... seen it at the Madison show....WOW... if you can spare the cash!!!
Posted 6/3/2012 9:56 AM (#563080 - in reply to #563071)
Subject: Re: What size split rings to get??

Location: Eau Claire,WI
Get the Bucher #7 rings. The wolverines can be a pain in some situations...JMHO,Paul
WI Skis
Posted 6/3/2012 10:51 AM (#563085 - in reply to #563067)
Subject: Re: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 547

Location: Oshkosh
^^^^^^ What Paul said.

Posted 6/3/2012 11:05 AM (#563088 - in reply to #563067)
Subject: RE: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 1405

Location: Detroit River
Get the Bucher split rings. The Wolverine rings are too wide to put on lures that have a small hole on the hook hangers or line tie.
Tackle Industries
Posted 6/3/2012 12:52 PM (#563097 - in reply to #563067)
Subject: Re: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 4053

Location: Land of the Musky
I think the Bucher rings are made by the Worth company. They are really good rings. Tempered stainless steel rings and super strong. I tested a few with a pull type balance and a pair of pliers, at around 180# of pull the ring opened up and sent my pliers into my sheet rock wall and me flipping back and over a chair. They are good rings...
Posted 6/3/2012 3:55 PM (#563119 - in reply to #563097)
Subject: Re: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 802

#5 wolverines will work great for you and work on almost any bait. plenty strong, i like 'em...
muskie! nut
Posted 6/3/2012 4:41 PM (#563123 - in reply to #563067)
Subject: Re: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 2894

Location: Yahara River Chain
Jackpot about that reel....

i would do best to have you out on the lake and show you. It will open your eyes.

Oh yeah when that happened it will come as a shock to you. It might be helpful if you bring a towel along as you will need it when I get done with you. :) .
Posted 6/3/2012 10:27 PM (#563171 - in reply to #563123)
Subject: Re: What size split rings to get??

Posts: 258

Location: Madison, WI

Don't worry about the towel. After watching your canoe capsizing abilities last summer, I always try to have one handy when you're around....

Speaking of which, if you want to get out on Mendota on Thursday, give me a call.

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