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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Where are all the PROS?
Message Subject: Where are all the PROS?

Posted 12/3/2002 10:28 AM (#4082)
Subject: Where are all the PROS?

There have been a lot of great questions posted here, and the Pro Staff list for MF is might impressive. However, I don't see many of these "pros" responding to the questions. What's up? Will winter be better since the pros are confined to the cabin?


Posted 12/5/2002 11:30 AM (#52148)
Subject: Where are all the PROS?

I agree Jason. Where are they all? They can't be fishing right now. I look forward to hearing from some of the "best", but just haven't seen em around.

Posted 12/5/2002 12:14 PM (#52149)
Subject: Where are all the PROS?

Yes it is the off season and some have filtered back already. Alot of the staff have done chats with us in the past month, many have new kids ect. I do take in consideration exceptions.

If a pro does not show up on site at all and help the muskie public out...they are simply dismissed in time.[;)]

Posted 12/5/2002 1:45 PM (#52150)
Subject: Where are all the PROS?

A suggestion for you all:
If you specifically ask the question directed at one or two Pros by name, you are more likely to get a response. Two cents worth..

Posted 12/5/2002 6:36 PM (#52151)
Subject: Where are all the PROS?

Been here all the time, but I don't know much most of the time. I will continue to contribute when I think I have something usefull to say. But I do agree with Steve that if you would like to have a better chance of having your questions answered it would work better to direct your questions to someone specific. For instance I may know something about tournament tactics but I know nothing about LOTW. This may not always be possible, but would help in the long run. Thanks and keep all the questions coming. I for one will answer when I can.

Posted 12/6/2002 10:37 AM (#52152)
Subject: Where are all the PROS?

I don't mean to offend any of the pros, and yes I do know there have been some pros on here all year long. Sometimes it's hard to ask a specific question to the pros for a certain topic. A lot of the posting going on is on personal thoughts and beliefs on musky fishing, and I for one don't want to come out and ask a specific pro what they think. The great part about this site was when the pros said what they thought and believed, and I'm just not seeing that much anymore. Like Jason said, maybe that will change now that winter is here.

Posted 12/7/2002 9:35 AM (#52153)
Subject: Where are all the PROS?

Just finished the fall season the end of November,been catching up on everything left undone for three months,will now have time to drop in from time to time.
Capt. Larry D. Jones
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