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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> What is this?
Message Subject: What is this?
WV Musky
Posted 4/19/2012 7:11 PM (#554371)
Subject: What is this?

Posts: 571

Location: Williamstown, WV
We were fishing in a west virginia creek and accidently snagged this. The pictures are not the best but hopefully somebody can help. We know it's not a carp or sucker but have never seen this fish before. Thanks.

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Posted 4/19/2012 7:13 PM (#554372 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: RE: What is this?

Posts: 1360

Location: Lake "y" cause lake"x" got over fished
Blue Sucker?

So this is my third edit, I am pretty sure that it is a blue Sucker. I found some good pictures on google of blue suckers and I'm now pretty sure thats what it is.

I know it says Montana species, looks the same to me

Edited by FAT-SKI 4/19/2012 7:23 PM
WV Musky
Posted 4/19/2012 7:13 PM (#554373 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: RE: What is this?

Posts: 571

Location: Williamstown, WV
Also it was silverish not goldish (pictures are not best I know). Thanks again
Posted 4/19/2012 7:19 PM (#554375 - in reply to #554373)
Subject: Re: What is this?

Posts: 2024

From your photos it appears to be a smallmouth buffalo.
WV Musky
Posted 4/19/2012 7:21 PM (#554377 - in reply to #554375)
Subject: Re: What is this?

Posts: 571

Location: Williamstown, WV
Hey that's what it is...Thanks a ton.
Posted 4/19/2012 8:43 PM (#554398 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: Re: What is this?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Yep, it is a buffalo. The bigmouth buffalo will actually chase down and eat musky lures.
The Swan
Posted 4/20/2012 9:10 AM (#554472 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: RE: What is this?

Is it a freshwater drum; also known as the sheepshead? Lots and lots of them in Lake Erie.
Tim Schmitz
Posted 4/20/2012 9:37 AM (#554478 - in reply to #554472)
Subject: RE: What is this?

Posts: 540

Location: MN
The Swan - 4/20/2012 9:10 AM

Is it a freshwater drum; also known as the sheepshead? Lots and lots of them in Lake Erie.

You've never seen a sheepshead have you?
Posted 4/20/2012 10:48 AM (#554497 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: Re: What is this?

Posts: 2361

good old google
Slime King
Posted 4/20/2012 12:23 PM (#554541 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: Re: What is this?

Posts: 494

Location: midwest
Quillbacks look similiar but that is a buffalo.
Posted 4/20/2012 12:37 PM (#554542 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: Re: What is this?

Posts: 97

Location: Pickering, ON
Cool scales and colours. Would make a good lure pattern.
WV Musky
Posted 4/20/2012 4:07 PM (#554608 - in reply to #554542)
Subject: Re: What is this?

Posts: 571

Location: Williamstown, WV
caught another one today. Yeah it's not a drum, I've caught hundreds of drums and def. not that. You guys nailed it right on the head, def. a buffalo
Posted 4/20/2012 5:12 PM (#554617 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: RE: What is this?

I've never caught one or tasted one, but I know that quite a few people consider them to be good eating fish. You can even buy Buffalo at fish markets.
allegheny river kid
Posted 4/20/2012 8:35 PM (#554656 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: Re: What is this?

Posts: 463

Location: Sw Pennsylvania
Smallmouth buffalo. Slimy as heck and fight real well. Lots of fun on ultralights and nightcrawlers.
Posted 4/20/2012 9:09 PM (#554665 - in reply to #554371)
Subject: RE: What is this?

Looks like livebait.
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