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Message Subject: Trzcinski and Junek WIn Muskie Country™ Pike/Round - Squirrel
Posted 6/7/2012 12:29 PM (#563883)
Subject: Trzcinski and Junek WIn Muskie Country™ Pike/Round - Squirrel

Posts: 122
On Saturday, June 2nd the Muskie Country Tournament Circuit™ (MCTC™) hosted for the first time ever in a WMT Series™ sanctioned event a one-day qualifier on two separate waters at the same time with anglers competing on the Pike/Round Lake Chain or on Squirrel Lake. Before the tournament started, the question of what body of water would produce the most muskies and which one would produce the biggest muskie would be answered only after the competition had concluded. There would be seven muskie registered in total with five coming from the Pike/Round Chain and two from Squirrel Lake but the largest muskie, a 43.50 incher would come from Squirrel.
The first muskie to be registered for the day would come from the team of Jason Weik and Jason Baratka at 6:34am with a 40.25 incher. At 7:45am, Ron Trzcinski and Jeff Junek would tally the big fish of the day that measured 43.50 inches that would give the duo the victory. Another dandy muskie measuring 41.50 inches would be landed on Squirrel Lake at 1:36pm by the team of Alez Passow and Jake Olp.
Other teams to score on muskies at the MCTC™ Pike/Round Squirrel event wee: Marcus Malyuk/Ben Bain 34 ½” at 7:12am, Tim Schultz/Todd Dolan 35.25" at 7:30am, Dave Schmitz/Jim See 38.50" at 12:40pm, and Brian Kastner/Brian Emmerich 37.25".
The MUSKIE COUNTRY TOURNAMENT CIRCUIT™ Pike/Round – Squirrel top five finishers were:
1st – Ron Trzcinski/Jeff Junek
2nd – Alex Passow/Jake Olp
3rd – Jason Weik/Jason Baratka
4th – Dave Schmitz/Jim See
5th – Brian Kastner/Brian Emmerich
The next tournament for the WORLD MUSKIE TOURNAMENT SERIES™ (WMT Series™) will be a PROFESSIONAL MUSKIE ANGLER CIRCUIT™ (Pro-MAC™) qualifier at the Three Lakes Chain on the weekend of June 16 th & 17th. If you are interested in fishing The Pro-MAC™ Three Lakes Chain tourney there is still some open spots. You can sign up for the tournament on line or you can sign up the Friday before the events, June 15 th at Jake's Bar & Grill on HWY 32 at 5:30pm until 7:30pm.
The WMT Series™ events are open to the public. If you are interested in expanding your muskie knowledge and enjoying the competition with others who share your interest, log on to web site or for info and an entry form or you can call 715-277-4411.
Sponsors of the 2012 WMT Series™ are: Tooth Tamer Rods, Fittante Taxidermy, Tackle Industries Super D's, Dream Catcher Bucktails & Tackle, T's Tackle, Suick, Yakima Bait Company, Worden's Lures, Poe's, , Trophy Hunter Accessories – Glittertail, River Run Tackle, Super Slayer Tackle Company, Optimum Bait Company, Figure 8 Lures, Lucky Craft Lures, and Salmo Performance Fishing Lures.
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