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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Where are all the small muskies...?
Message Subject: Where are all the small muskies...?
Posted 12/19/2011 11:29 AM (#529357)
Subject: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 375 must be winter with a question like this!
i don't think i have ever heard any talk about this in general, but in the various waters i fish combined have received hundreds of thousands of stocked fry and fingerling muskies over the years i have yet to catch one under 30"! not that i am complaining mind you, but it just seems odd that after years and years of casting and trolling in the deepest to shallowest water using really big to the smallest of baits and as aggressive as these fish can be, don't you think that the smaller ones would be caught more frequently in the mix somewhere? are they spending the vast majority of their young growing lives buried in vast extremely difficult to fish weedbeds and i / we just never fish those areas to run into them? i don't know but was curious to hear if others experience the same thing on their waters or that on some waters you fish small muskies do show up often too in the mix and what your ideas might be to explain this. i put this in the same category as..."i have never seen a baby (pigeon), when you see them they are always already full grown! you fill in the ( )...
ya...spring can't come soon enough !
Posted 12/19/2011 11:35 AM (#529358 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 1316

Location: Lebanon,Mo
There all in Pomme de Terre Lake,Mo.
little one
Posted 12/19/2011 7:04 PM (#529434 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 501

Location: S.Wisconsin
pierce lake in northern least thats all i ever see there
Posted 12/19/2011 7:09 PM (#529435 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 576

Location: Germantown, WI
on the end of my line typically!
Posted 12/19/2011 7:34 PM (#529440 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: Re: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I have caught small muskies. Even caught a dink on vermilion. All big muskies were small once.
Posted 12/19/2011 7:56 PM (#529442 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

I have often wondered the same thing. Oddly enough, I fish a lake that the majority of the follows are under 34" and skinny. But for me the typical follow is between 38"-44" and on some waters I've never seen a small fish. They gotta be somewhere.
Posted 12/19/2011 7:58 PM (#529443 - in reply to #529442)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 572

Location: Maplewood, MN
Guest - 12/19/2011 7:56 PM

I have often wondered the same thing. Oddly enough, I fish a lake that the majority of the follows are under 34" and skinny. But for me the typical follow is between 38"-44" and on some waters I've never seen a small fish. They gotta be somewhere.

Accidentally not logged in. My fault.
Posted 12/19/2011 8:01 PM (#529444 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

My dad caught two less than 20" muskie on twister tails from the same island while smallmouth bass fishing on Lac Seul.

I caught two very small ones from Mallard Lake (near Chicago) the year after they were stocked. One was on a minnow and the other on a shallow shad rap.
Posted 12/19/2011 8:02 PM (#529445 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: Re: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 1425

Location: St. Lawrence River
Come fish up here we have a ton of em
Posted 12/19/2011 8:23 PM (#529449 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 1405

Location: Detroit River

Edited by Zib 12/19/2011 8:26 PM
Mud duck
Posted 12/19/2011 9:09 PM (#529457 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

O.k. ,I'll bite

They are all in Wisconsin

You knew someone had to say it.
Dave Williamson
Posted 12/20/2011 2:07 AM (#529475 - in reply to #529457)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 203

Location: Alexandria, Minnesota
I always believed that they were in Wisconsin too.
Posted 12/20/2011 6:41 AM (#529478 - in reply to #529475)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 212

Maybe you missed this?

"But in recent years, anglers have noticed a decline in catches. In a routine survey this summer, Fish and Boat biologists found lots of muskies at Lake Arthur, particularly big ones, but were startled to log a total absence of entire year classes of muskies, those from 26 to 32 inches."

The Swan
Posted 12/20/2011 9:45 AM (#529491 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Woodcock Creek Lake (federal reservoir), Crawford County, PA. Didn't even take him out of the water to release him. Game fellow; went after an 8" Depthraider. Small, but I was glad to see him. I was at the point where I didn't think I could catch these fish when I intended to.
Posted 12/20/2011 11:58 AM (#529507 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: Re: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 8797

I agree with guest - they gotta be somewhere. Probably piled up in the back bays and creek channels where there is plenty of cover and lots of YOY fish to eat. If they spent any time where we usually fish, they'd probably all get eaten.
Posted 12/20/2011 12:14 PM (#529512 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Let's just say PA in general. It would take too long to list every body of water that contains muskies in the state.
Posted 12/20/2011 7:05 PM (#529562 - in reply to #529357)
Subject: Re: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 313

Location: Bemidji, Lake Vermilion
Small muskies often don't frequent the same areas as the larger ones, so if you're fishing for good fish, you're not often going to catch many smaller ones. Small muskies hanging out with big muskies get eaten.
Posted 12/21/2011 1:42 AM (#529590 - in reply to #529475)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Dave Williamson - 12/20/2011 2:07 AM

I always believed that they were in Wisconsin too.

'always' since you started muskiy fishing 4 years ago, when your stocked lakes came of age?
Posted 12/22/2011 10:34 AM (#529778 - in reply to #529590)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

Posts: 32

Location: Tower, Lake Vermilion
I agree that the small fish won't be were you are looking for larger fish. They need to stay in cover where they won't get eaten until they get over 30 inches. I get a number of small Muskies ever year while fishing for Smallmouth bass and Walleyes on Lake Vermilion.

Merry Christmas!

joe blow
Posted 12/22/2011 3:48 PM (#529812 - in reply to #529475)
Subject: RE: Where are all the small muskies...?

At least there in the water not in the woods with the eyes
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