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Muskie Fishing -> Fishing Reports and Destinations -> eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay
Message Subject: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay
Posted 1/3/2011 10:38 PM (#473411)
Subject: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 84

Can someone help me out and tell me what is the closest resort to osbourne bay on eagle lake, other then Century Lodge? thanks!
Musky Brian
Posted 1/4/2011 4:45 AM (#473419 - in reply to #473411)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
I don't think there is any to my knowledge...the closest one would be the Indian camp Ojibway Paradise Resort, that's fairly close to Osbourne...don't know anything about the camp though
Jeff Hanson
Posted 1/8/2011 3:33 PM (#474193 - in reply to #473419)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 953

As far as I know they closed. We were the last group to stay there in the fall of 2008. Had stayed there for 10 years was a great location and out of the wind. We stayed there when we fished Osbourne and East end of lake. Otherwise we stay at Herbies.
Good luck,
Jeff Hanson
IM Musky Time
Posted 1/10/2011 8:31 PM (#474740 - in reply to #473411)
Subject: Re: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 243

North Shore Lodge is right on Osborne Bay and is a great place to stay. I caught my big one not far from the lodge and the ownership/employees were great. Had a great experience and would highly recommend. Spence Petros spends a week there every year as well and shares info. with everybody there for the same week.
Musky Brian
Posted 1/11/2011 2:35 AM (#474773 - in reply to #474740)
Subject: Re: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
Not to sound like a know it all but North Shore is definitely not Osbourne Bay, that's Eagle Bay right by the public launch...not too far away but still a boat ride

Edited by Musky Brian 1/11/2011 2:36 AM
Posted 1/11/2011 6:31 PM (#474919 - in reply to #474773)
Subject: Re: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 84

So is Eagle Lake Lodge the closest?
IM Musky Time
Posted 1/24/2011 9:46 PM (#477542 - in reply to #473411)
Subject: Re: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 243

Thanks for the catch, Brian. I stand corrected. I did fish Osborne Bay several times while I was there. I would still recommend North Shore if you're looking for a place to go. Coleman's reef is also very close to the resort.

But to answer your question---or not to actually....I'm not sure if ELL is the closest.
Posted 1/25/2011 12:58 PM (#477640 - in reply to #473411)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

It might be the closest but you are still looking at a substantial boat ride to get down there
Posted 1/26/2011 2:49 PM (#477925 - in reply to #477640)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 45

On one of the maps it appears that there may be a boat ramp at Osbourne Bay - Am I reading the map wrong? And, does anyone have any experience with South Shore Lodge?
Musky Brian
Posted 1/27/2011 12:03 AM (#478056 - in reply to #477925)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
Not sure about a ramp in Osbourne...I imagine there's some kind of landing down there but I wouldn't expect much in terms of quality

As far as South Shore Lodge, heard a few rumblings but not too much. In my opinion it would be kind of silly to go through all the work to boat into that camp considering there are drive in camps fairly close to that area

Edited by Musky Brian 1/27/2011 12:04 AM
Posted 1/27/2011 6:56 PM (#478250 - in reply to #478056)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 45

Guess I should have started another thread on the South Shore subject. How "silly" of me.
Posted 1/27/2011 9:07 PM (#478261 - in reply to #478250)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 84

ILBob, Actually, South Shore Lodge is one that I have looked into. It looks like a good camp. And actually you only have to boat into the camp for about a half mile from the camps launch site. It would seem the perfect spot if one was wanting to get away from the north shore crowds like AML.
Musky Brian
Posted 1/28/2011 12:45 AM (#478274 - in reply to #478261)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
ha...ugh really wasn't trying to be a smarta##, was simply pointing out there are 3-4 other resorts a 5-10 min boat ride away that you can drive right up to and avoid the headache of boating in all of your gear.

Edited by Musky Brian 1/28/2011 12:46 AM
Posted 1/28/2011 9:53 AM (#478307 - in reply to #478274)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 45

My response was a little smart**# too. Sorry about that. I was thinking that being a little more remote that the fish may be less pressured. Not knowing the lake, I was wanting to stay near the resort but didn't know how good the fishing is close by. But the main reason I was considering them was the price - seems way less than the resorts to the north.
Musky Brian
Posted 1/28/2011 2:18 PM (#478364 - in reply to #478307)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
I've personally had pretty bad luck fishing down there, netted some monster fish for people but it's very hit or miss. Put a lot of time in some great looking spots the last few years and have left them empty handed scratching my head. The pressure is pretty minimal for Muskies on most days although guide boats will make runs down there. Also the walleye fishing in this general area is pretty darn good if you are not focusing 100% on Muskies
Posted 2/4/2011 11:47 PM (#479875 - in reply to #478364)
Subject: RE: eagle lake resorts around osbourne bay

Posts: 18

There is a launch right on Osborne. There are some big fish in this end of the lake, I live 15 minutes away over looking Wabigoon. Fish osborne most of the time
, pm me and I might be able to help you out.

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