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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Who makes this topwater?
Message Subject: Who makes this topwater?
Trolling Thunder
Posted 7/22/2010 2:56 PM (#451319)
Subject: Who makes this topwater?

Posts: 390

Location: Ohio
I bought this at a store, near Cave Run in Ky. about 10 years ago. Anyone know who makes it and what's it called? Thanks for any help.

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Posted 7/22/2010 3:32 PM (#451330 - in reply to #451319)
Subject: Re: Who makes this topwater?

Posts: 337

Location: Central WI
Reminds me of a Naze Tinhead?? Their website doesn't show any jointed lures though.
Steve Jonesi
Posted 7/22/2010 5:48 PM (#451364 - in reply to #451319)
Subject: Re: Who makes this topwater?

Posts: 2089

Me thinks that's a Treadway Wobbler. Saw some up at Guides Choice last Summer. Made by Gary Treadway I believe.
Posted 7/24/2010 1:21 PM (#451651 - in reply to #451319)
Subject: Re: Who makes this topwater?

Posts: 551

Location: Columbus, Georgia
Believe it or not, there are a few such baits hanging on a rack at Crash's Landing near Cave Run Lake, and I believe Steve is right on the money stating that the bait is made by Gary Treadway. Crash orders custom leaders from Gary, and Gary usually fishes in some of the local tournaments every season. I believe he's located in West Virgina.

The number at Crash's Landing is 606-780-4260
Posted 7/26/2010 10:39 AM (#451843 - in reply to #451319)
Subject: RE: Who makes this topwater?

You guys are correct. It was I (Gary Treadway) who made the "Treadwater Wobbler"(The correct name). Rick at Guides choice mislabeled it. Treadway, Treadwater, close I no longer make these but have a few left. Would like to here your thoughts on it. Good or bad. GT
Trolling Thunder
Posted 7/27/2010 4:37 PM (#452074 - in reply to #451843)
Subject: RE: Who makes this topwater?

Posts: 390

Location: Ohio
Thanks for the help everybody.
Gary, I can't answer your question, as mine just sat in my box. We don't have much of a topwater bite here, so mine was never used. I do like your paint job though, it's a beautiful bait. Thanks again

Edited by Trolling Thunder 7/27/2010 5:31 PM
Posted 7/27/2010 5:16 PM (#452079 - in reply to #452074)
Subject: Re: Who makes this topwater?

Posts: 551

Location: Columbus, Georgia
Hey Gary!
Posted 7/28/2010 12:33 PM (#452203 - in reply to #451843)
Subject: RE: Who makes this topwater?

Posts: 642

Location: Richfield, MN
Treadway - 7/26/2010 10:39 AM

You guys are correct. It was I (Gary Treadway) who made the "Treadwater Wobbler"(The correct name). Rick at Guides choice mislabeled it. Treadway, Treadwater, close I no longer make these but have a few left. Would like to here your thoughts on it. Good or bad. GT

Hey Gary I am just starting to get my feet wet on muskie fishing. I have not yet even got out on the water yet as I am still putting together rod and reels. I fdo have quite a few baits but qould like to maybe try one of yours that are pictured here is you are willing to sell 1 and a really great price for a newbie.

PM me and let me know.


PS sorry for high jacking your post but cannot PM Gary.
Posted 7/29/2010 11:28 AM (#452350 - in reply to #452074)
Subject: RE: Who makes this topwater?

Thanks trolling thunder. Glad you like it. It is an awesome top water bait. It is kinda heavey with all the stainless steel hardware and sits low in the water, therefore "Pushing" a lot more water. I had trouble with some of the smaller ones not running properly due to to much weight. Some of them worked and some didn't. If you or anyone else has bought one that doesn't work, I will trade you for larger model. I have a few of them left and I can be reached at gtreadway007 At I am out of hooks for them due to using them on other lures. Such as my line of buzzbaits. The "ticking time bomb". Counter rotating blades that tick each other when rotating, emitting a unique sound. I will sell both the buzzbaits and "hookless" wobblers for $10.00 ea. + shipping. I can probably send several baits for $5.00 shiped prioraty mail. Gary Treadway
gteadway007 at yahoo
Posted 7/30/2010 7:01 PM (#452561 - in reply to #452350)
Subject: RE: Who makes this topwater?

Posts: 642

Location: Richfield, MN
treadway - 7/29/2010 11:28 AM

Thanks trolling thunder. Glad you like it. It is an awesome top water bait. It is kinda heavey with all the stainless steel hardware and sits low in the water, therefore "Pushing" a lot more water. I had trouble with some of the smaller ones not running properly due to to much weight. Some of them worked and some didn't. If you or anyone else has bought one that doesn't work, I will trade you for larger model. I have a few of them left and I can be reached at gtreadway007 At I am out of hooks for them due to using them on other lures. Such as my line of buzzbaits. The "ticking time bomb". Counter rotating blades that tick each other when rotating, emitting a unique sound. I will sell both the buzzbaits and "hookless" wobblers for $10.00 ea. + shipping. I can probably send several baits for $5.00 shiped prioraty mail. Gary Treadway
gteadway007 at yahoo

Do you have a website to take a look at what you have.

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