Posts: 3518
Location: north central wisconsin | I was just wondering if anyone was aware of a lakemaster exchange program similar to that of Navionics. While I didn't see anything on the website, I thought I'd check around before purchasing an updated chip.
Thanks. |
Posts: 313
Location: Bemidji, Lake Vermilion | I had heard there was one, called them directly last fall, and was told no dice. |
Posts: 3518
Location: north central wisconsin | Thanks Brian. Last question: I do prefer the color of the Navionics maps, but there are some newly mapped lakes in high detail for lakemaster that has me leaning towards upgrading from the 2008. I had heard there were improvements made to the lakemaster chip as far as colors for various depth ranges go. Now, I run lcx 111 and 27c units. I probably would not benefit from the HD pro maps, though might consider if the color system more closely resembled that of the navionics, vs the standard lakemaster. Any input to that end?
Edited by Reef Hawg 4/17/2010 7:25 PM