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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Net question
Message Subject: Net question
Posted 2/25/2010 11:19 AM (#425755)
Subject: Net question

Which net would you pick the Big Kahuna or one of the Beckman nets? If a Beckman which one. Is the big kahuna a flat bottom net?
Posted 2/25/2010 12:20 PM (#425772 - in reply to #425755)
Subject: RE: Net question

I would take the beckman. The big khuna is nice but its hard to move it quickly and weighs a lot more than compairable beckmans.

My .02
Posted 2/25/2010 12:38 PM (#425775 - in reply to #425755)
Subject: Re: Net question

Posts: 4343

Location: Smith Creek
My opinion, if you fish alone, Beckman, if you fish with a partner, Kahuna.
Tim Schmitz
Posted 2/25/2010 1:10 PM (#425783 - in reply to #425755)
Subject: Re: Net question

Posts: 540

Location: MN
I sold my kahuna and bought a beckman. If your ever by yourself or with someone that is not use to the kahuna beckman is the wayto go.
Posted 2/25/2010 1:13 PM (#425784 - in reply to #425755)
Subject: Re: Net question

Posts: 2687

Location: Hayward, WI
I have a Frabill Powercatch, one size smaller than the Kahuna. It works well. Here's an observation I have made on TV - not sure if it's completely accurate.

The Beckman nets I have seen used on TV often end up with a big ball of tangled up netting on the hooks/fish. I've never had this happen to my Frabill, and never see it happen to Frabills on TV either (Joe Bucher doesn't count. He uses Frabill but his net bag is some thin material that The Powercatch series doesn't have).

Frabills are a little heavier than Beckmans, but my Powercatch is fine for me by myself. If you always have a partner, the Kahuna would be great.

Posted 2/25/2010 1:23 PM (#425787 - in reply to #425755)
Subject: Re: Net question

Posts: 1663

Location: Kodiak, AK
I switched from Beckman to a Big Game (step below the Kahuna) I fish alone and originally went with the Beckman for the weight issue. And it is in fact lighter. But the bag...I'd get nasty tangles. People say if the fish is netted right, or not stressed it won't thrash.....well then I'm one incorrect netting mofo because I'd have fish thrash. Not all the time, but enough to get tired of the Beckman bag tangling. I went with the Frabil and the coated bag and it's great. It's small enough to handle by myself and the weight isn't a huge issue. Some guys I know put a Frabil bag on a Beckman frame....that's an option for sure. Best of both worlds if weight is an issue for you.
Posted 2/25/2010 2:27 PM (#425794 - in reply to #425755)
Subject: Re: Net question

Posts: 335

Location: Minnesota
Our group used a Beckman on one of our Canada trips and after the trip we said that the Frabill will be in the boat every time after that one even if it takes up more room and is heavier. The knots we ended up with were terrible. We cut hooks just to get the fish out one time.
Posted 2/25/2010 4:28 PM (#425818 - in reply to #425755)
Subject: RE: Net question

Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
Posted 2/25/2010 5:32 PM (#425825 - in reply to #425755)
Subject: Re: Net question

Posts: 31

Location: Fairfield, IA
What is the minimum hoop size recommended? Also, is treated [coated] net the best way to go?
Posted 2/25/2010 7:43 PM (#425845 - in reply to #425755)
Subject: Re: Net question

Posts: 292

Location: SW MI
I use the Frabill Powercatch. I like the bag material better.
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