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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Calcutta 400TE LJV
Message Subject: Calcutta 400TE LJV
Posted 11/26/2009 8:21 AM (#409854)
Subject: Calcutta 400TE LJV

Posts: 406

Location: Stones throw away...finally!!
Probably going to pick up one of these reels over the winter to replace a broken reel and was curious if anyone had any pictures of a handle that they have counter-balanced. I have heard that the handles will, at times, engage during the cast, but that you can add weight to the other end to help prevent this from happening. I know I can probably add washers to it, but looking for some ideas that might be a little more asthetically pleasing. Or maybe I can just add a Trinidad handle, which I believe are already weighted. Any help would be much appreciated.

Posted 11/26/2009 9:09 AM (#409866 - in reply to #409854)
Subject: RE: Calcutta 400TE LJV

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160
I would use the power handle from a TORO 50-60 reel or you can get a STUDIO OCEAN MARK power handle, they are very light and will not cause the reel to engauge when you are casting, the TORO handle is 90mm long, the STUDIO OCEAN MARK handle is a little longer, over 100mm long, and they are very $$$$ and hard to get, but is very cool looking. Here is a AG37 power handle on a 300 DAIWA and a DAIWA PLUTON. The TORO handle costs about $40.00 from ABU

Edited by PIKEMASTER 11/26/2009 9:21 AM

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Posted 11/26/2009 9:34 AM (#409873 - in reply to #409854)
Subject: Re: Calcutta 400TE LJV

Posts: 406

Location: Stones throw away...finally!!
Was not aware that the power handle from a Daiwa would fit on the Shimano. I actually have an extra Toro Power handle that I can use. Thanks a bunch. Do I need to alter the Daiwa handle at all, or will it mate right up?
Posted 11/26/2009 10:17 AM (#409884 - in reply to #409854)
Subject: RE: Calcutta 400TE LJV

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160
As long as the hole is the same it will work, some of the newer reels have star drags that are bend in, if a reel does you may have use a spacer. Also you may need to order the nut, screw and the washer from the handle mfg that you are using.

Edited by PIKEMASTER 11/26/2009 10:19 AM
Posted 11/26/2009 10:52 AM (#409888 - in reply to #409854)
Subject: Re: Calcutta 400TE LJV

Posts: 743

What's the difference between this and the regular TE?
Posted 11/26/2009 11:10 AM (#409892 - in reply to #409854)
Subject: RE: Calcutta 400TE LJV

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160
The 400TE LJV is for saltwater jigging, it has COLD FORGED ALUMINUM FRAME, SIDE PLATES, and HANDLE, and rust proof bearings. The TE has MACHINE BAR STOCK ALUMINUM, side plates, frame and handle, the C/F ALUMINUM is stronger, and the TE does not have rustproof bearings, and the LJV comes in sliver not gold like the TE. Also the 400 TE LJV comes with a jigging power handle that you can't use for casting. The LJV costs $80.00 more then a 400 TE.

Edited by PIKEMASTER 11/26/2009 11:13 AM
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