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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.
Message Subject: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.
Posted 2/18/2008 10:10 AM (#301783 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 54

i have to agree, the "trophy"is determined by the person who catches it.
i have a 53" Reproduction on the wall in between 2 trophy bucks i have bagged hunting.

the mount is chasing the believer i caught her on along with the leader i used that day hanging down from the ceiling with mono line. it really looks cool. i have to say the 2 trophy bucks were quite an accomplishment for me and shot 11 years apart almost to the day. but the musky is my greatest outdoor accomplishment.
i won a small tourny on lake vermilion which included the replica and a motor as first prize.
my partner and i had seen the fish twice the day before while guiding for a kids tourney. the next morning on my 2nd cast she smoked a believer in 2 feet of water off a rock ledge. the fight was incredible. i will never forget that day.the best part is we released her.

the funny part is a few minutes later i missed another one about 5 minutes later. my hands were still shaking and i had no concentration going. as i lifted another believer (hooks cut off on first one and i didnt have the right replacement hooks) a musky jumped up next to the boat. i still think it was bigger in my head. what an important lesson i learned there that i will never,ever forget. figure 8 or do the L every single time no matter what.


[email protected]

Edited by dannyboy 2/18/2008 1:15 PM
Posted 2/18/2008 10:42 AM (#301789 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 139

I've got a 47.5 reproduction. I always said I would wait until I got a 50", but this 47.5 was fat with great markings. I'll still mount the 50" if it ever comes along.....and then possibly anything bigger thereafter.
Posted 2/18/2008 8:05 PM (#301995 - in reply to #301789)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 170

A solid 51"er that I caught while alone in the boat...yep, super memories of this one! The fish had beautiful markings and the repro was done by Lax. The pic doesn't show the "S" curve very well, but it looks great. I also have another repro done bt Rick just shy of this one in length, but it was caught in deep clear trout waters and was void of markings...still pretty, but not like the photo attached.

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191 P&Y
Posted 2/18/2008 9:00 PM (#302029 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: RE: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 4

Muskyjay, come on man post the one from the office.

I'm still in the process of getting a 55 repro from two years ago.
Posted 2/19/2008 6:04 AM (#302071 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: RE: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 380

Location: Michigan
I have a 53.5 that I caught casting on the wall now, and I have a 54.5 caught trolling in the process, both by Mr. Fittante. When I got the 53 done, I said to myself I wasn't going to do another until I hit 55. But the 54.5 measurement was without a tail pinch, and she had a decent girth, so I said, what the heck, close enough. If it wasn't a 40 pounder, it was the closest thing I have caught to 40. Next one will have to be sick... Something over 50 and girth close to half of the length and 45 lbs. I would also do a Tiger if it was anything over about 46-47. Finally, I will do a northern when i hit 46-47. I have a couple 44's, but those are the biggest so far.
Posted 2/19/2008 8:26 AM (#302089 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: RE: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 134

Location: (South of the 218)
AFCchief wrote : "A replica is more about what the fish represents in terms of memories that it provides (my personal definition of a true trophy) vs the actual size of the fish."

Amen brother - exactly how I feel and why the only mount I have is the one my father in law had done for my son as a gift this past Christmas.

Tyler (11) caught a 41.5 LOTW Northern last August and we let her go. (Side note - Tyler caught 3 over 36" in the span of 15 minutes or so.) Grandpa Ray wrote in a card that he wanted to give Tyler a gift that he could be proud of, something to have in his house when he's an adult and something to remember him by and the time he shared with his family. (All perfect reasons to mount a fish)
Right Time
Right Fish
Right people...

I have a Shadow Box with a photo of my First 50" and the retired bait that serves as an awesome Trophy as well. The bait was borrowed from my best friend and the fish was caught with my closest cousin 1 hour before he caught his PB 47".

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(tyler 41.jpg)

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Posted 2/19/2008 10:44 AM (#302126 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: RE: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 956

Location: Home of the 2016 World Series Champion Cubs
45" tiger that wa pushing 30# on Lac VieuxDesert. Nice fish in anyones book. What made this fish fun for me was the whole story. We put the boat (friend's boat) in on a mid october morning. We get our spot and start hanging suckers. He is a staunch single hook rig guy. In less than 1 1/2 hours he has suckers picked up 5x's. NOT ONE hook up. After that I finally get my first hit, quick set rig of course, I get to cross old girl's eyes and land a beautifully marked and fat 45" tiger after one of the most airborne fights I have ever seen. And I was able to successfully remove a hook and line from the fishes gullet from a previous hookup by another angler ( not my partners though...different line and hook)
Yes, as much a fun story for me as wel las a respectable fish. Giant? NO. Just an overall great time. Heavy fog, no wind, Good visibility in the was ALL GOOD!
Posted 2/19/2008 11:20 AM (#302138 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: RE: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 1106

Location: Muskegon Michigan
Michelle and I have two 52 inch Spotteds on the wall from Fittante. Both reproductions. Both caught in Lake St. Clair on the same trip in the space of two days. They were our first 50 inchers. Michelle also got a 51 beofre she got her 52. We have not got a repo of the 51. She also got another 51 in 2007 that we have not had done. We are now hold ing out for a 55 or better or 40 lbs. Kingfisher

Edited by Kingfisher 2/19/2008 11:21 AM
J Nail
Posted 2/19/2008 11:45 AM (#302143 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 162

Location: Bemidji, MN
I think it is funny that I see so many .25", .5" .75". Its 50 friggin inches! does a 1/4" really matter at that size? Its a big @$$ fish! My biggest was 54" exactly a week after my first 50" No replica of either. I have lots of pictures so I could get one at one time, but I hope I live long enough to catch a bigger one. I would hate to spend the $'s then just to get a bigger one a week later. The memories are far more important to me anyway. The first 50" was netted by my freind on his first musky trip ever, I never saw eyes so big on a guy! plus he hooked it on the outside of the net and we had to twist it around under the fish. My greatest memory with the 54" was yelling at the dog to "get the net!" because she was the only one in the boat with me and I was kind of surprised to see a fish that big eat a hawg wobbler after I had gone over the spot twice already. Anyway, maybe someday I will catch a giant and get a replica, but until then, they still swim in the lake, and in my memory.
Don Pfeiffer
Posted 2/19/2008 11:11 PM (#302344 - in reply to #301565)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 929

Location: Rhinelander.
a variety of sizes that were considered special or a trophy at the time. I think that helps make my point that a trophy is whatever it is to that individual. Thats just the way it should be as far as I care.


Don't want another billy bass on the wall!

Posted 2/20/2008 7:26 AM (#302357 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 176

Location: Tomahawk, WI
J Nail, leading up to 50" it does matter. My fishing partner and i have caught a few between 49 and 49-3/4" in Wisconsin, we both can say we have never caught a Wisconsin 50 incher. 50" means 50".
Posted 2/20/2008 1:07 PM (#302458 - in reply to #302357)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 298

PANTLEGGER - 2/20/2008 7:26 AM

J Nail, leading up to 50" it does matter. My fishing partner and i have caught a few between 49 and 49-3/4" in Wisconsin, we both can say we have never caught a Wisconsin 50 incher. 50" means 50".

I agree. Since catch and release has become 98% or better the way we all fish; rounding off 49.? to 50 has become way to easy. How do they all just measure 50 on all these logs I see posted? Rarely does a fish measure exact, and doubt hardly anybody is rounding these fish down to 49.

50" means 50"
Posted 2/20/2008 3:14 PM (#302529 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 686

Location: Tomahawk, Wisconsin
Hey pantlegger you need not travel too far for that spotted fish.............................
Posted 2/21/2008 10:13 AM (#302773 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 43

Location: Warrenville,IL
I'll have to take some pictures of my home-lodge one of these days. I think I'm up to 11 on my walls.

I'm putting #12 & #13 up on the walls today.
Posted 2/21/2008 10:20 AM (#302775 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: RE: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

.25 and .5, .75 doesn't matter? c'mon...I have 3 fish just under 50, are they 50? no, they are not..don't fool yourself..a 49.75 isn't a 50 probably tell the ladies your 6 feet tall when your 5'10" too....

as for the mounts...none yet...have two 52.5's I keep hoping to win one of the repro contests to get done...guess this year I'll have to bust thru that 52.5 mark and that one will get put on the wall....a repro of course!
J Nail
Posted 2/21/2008 12:14 PM (#302792 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 162

Location: Bemidji, MN
So how many 49.75's are stretched to 50? I bet lots. Probably some 48's and 47's for that matter. Is it a sdwsv match you want? Or do you want to go fishing and have fun? I think some folks need to take a look at priorities. A 50" fish can be made into a 49 1/2 by bad handling in the net, and a 49 can be made into a 50 by creative massaging and stretching. The point is there are some big fish out there to be caught, and I am not going to sdfvs and moan over a half inch on a 30 or 40 pound fish.
Posted 2/21/2008 1:25 PM (#302809 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 176

Location: Tomahawk, WI
Im sorry to the person who started this post, after this i will shut-up. I personally witnessed on two different occasions people trying to pull that "its 50" crap, when in all reality one was 49" and the other was 48.5" long. So, yes!!! quite a few are beeing exaggerated or stretched to 50". I personally believe in 50" is 50", none of this close enough crap. 50" is still the musky benchmark in my book, regardless of bigger fish being caught these days or weight etc....
Posted 2/21/2008 6:21 PM (#302883 - in reply to #301554)
Subject: RE: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 129

mines 49 with a 25 inch girth. Ive caught longer, but not fatter. she was definately a trophy for me at the time. It was my first 30lber and at the time my longest. It will take a 54 or 55 for me to do it again.
Don Pfeiffer
Posted 2/21/2008 10:43 PM (#302962 - in reply to #302809)
Subject: Re: Mounted or reproduction,whats the size of the musky on your wall.

Posts: 929

Location: Rhinelander.
No need to be sorry to me or for me. I certainly would agree that alot of liberties are taken with measurements. Whoever measures it has to live with it. Its a bit harder to lie about a skin mount so maybe they were a bit more honest back then, THATS Maybe. I won't let myself get botherd by that. It does lead to another question I'll have to post.

How many of you fudged on the measurements of your reproduction> You know ,said it was bigger then it really was? Bet there won't many to fess up to that one,lol.

Now guys don't get bent of of shape about the question. Just a little bit of fun with you.
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