| Does anyone know were to purchase #10 colorado blades in bulk. Thanks --Todd
Posts: 2894
Location: Yahara River Chain | Try
http://www.upnorthoutdoors.com/stamina/ |
| They only go up to size 8 on their website. Do you know of any other places? Even netcraft has the same result. Thanks--Todd |
Posts: 3518
Location: north central wisconsin | Try this site. http://www.mooreslures.com/
Edited by Reef Hawg 1/27/2007 5:04 PM
Posts: 327
Location: In the slop! | Moore's lures has them but I believe they are on vacation for a couple of months. If you searh this site, I think there is a post about this. |
Posts: 28
| Helen and rollies has #10 giant indianas that i've been using
Posts: 676
Location: Wisconsin | Check Lakeland out, this is where most everyone gets their blades. http://www.lakelandinc.com/ You might be able to get a smaller quanity than the 1000. |
Posts: 169
| Stamina has them http://www.staminainc.com/spinner_blades/muskie_spinner_blades.html |
Posts: 364
Location: Kentucky | Rollie & Helen's have them for $1.49 each if you email them. They'll send you color descriptions. |
Posts: 2089
| The blades are made by Lakeland Inc. out of Isle ,Mn.I believe the website is www.lakelandinc.com. Great people there!It was nice this season being able to drive 5 minutes to pick up an order.They carry all colors and have .025 and .040. Steve |