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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> gloves
Message Subject: gloves
tinley mike
Posted 10/10/2006 3:08 PM (#213801)
Subject: gloves

Posts: 44

was wondering what the pro's and con's are on different type's of glove's --- are any good? --- who make's a good pair --- just tired of my finger's getting torn up and bleeding all over my boat and figured what the heck give them a try and save my finger's if any are good.

Posted 10/10/2006 7:49 PM (#213860 - in reply to #213801)
Subject: RE: gloves

Posts: 19

The Musky Armour gloves rock. I would recommend. They make a world of difference in handling a fish and allow you to get that big one under control and back in the water quicker and out of the net. Give them a try. battle scars are great until a cut prevents you from fishing when they are active.
Posted 10/10/2006 9:11 PM (#213894 - in reply to #213860)
Subject: RE: gloves

Posts: 536

Location: Brainerd Area
I went to menards and got a cheap pair of rubber work gloves for 5 bucks
Posted 10/11/2006 9:57 AM (#213978 - in reply to #213801)
Subject: RE: gloves

Posts: 1937

Location: Black Creek, WI
I tried the Musky Armour gloves this season and liked them. Didn't use them all the time... but when I did.... there was never a negative experience. What I like about them is that you still have very good FEEL... which I think ensures better handling of the fish than big work gloves.... or those rubberized jobs. And.... on those Musky Marathons where your fingers get raw from being wet all day.... they work great to just wear while fishing.

Are they a necessity? Nope. But they are a nice luxury to have and I'm glad I bought a pair.
tinley mike
Posted 10/11/2006 11:07 AM (#214002 - in reply to #213801)
Subject: RE: gloves

Posts: 44

Is there a website for chad's stuff yet or are the show's the only place to get them?
Posted 10/11/2006 1:41 PM (#214067 - in reply to #213801)
Subject: RE: gloves

Posts: 726

Location: Eau Claire, WI
I use a pair of light leather work gloves. I treat them w/ mink oil and they stay soft through many drenchings. Gives me plenty of feel and protection. I haven't tried the armour gloves but I have tried the Lindys. I hated them. Too stiff, cant feel a thing let alone get a good grip.
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