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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> What are they doing?
Message Subject: What are they doing?
Posted 10/5/2006 1:40 PM (#212850)
Subject: What are they doing?

Location: Minnesota
ive seen several Muskies this year Porpoising in shallow water, ive even driving over buy them and coulda netted a couple
threw all kinds of lures at them, even hit one i think and nothing, like im not even there, just confuses the heck out of me
anyone ?????????????????else?
Posted 10/5/2006 1:43 PM (#212851 - in reply to #212850)
Subject: RE: What are they doing?

Posts: 1316

Location: Madison, WI
If you watch closely they're sticking their tongue out at you!! :P
Posted 10/5/2006 1:44 PM (#212852 - in reply to #212850)
Subject: RE: What are they doing?

Location: Contrarian Island
yup, happens everywhere I fish just about...not sure what they are's almost like they are in a can cast at them and every one in a million will turn and follow your bait and I do know of at least one that I did have hit after I saw it porpoise..and a friend did this year...
just something muskies I've seen them porpoise and I've seen other ones swim for quite a few feet, say 30 feet plus with 1/3 of there body out of the water...usually smaller fish in the 34-38" size range..i've gone right up to them and tapped them w/ my rod tip.....not sure what they are doing either...weird fish ...

Edited by MSKY HNR 10/5/2006 1:45 PM
Posted 10/5/2006 1:48 PM (#212853 - in reply to #212850)
Subject: RE: What are they doing?

Location: Minnesota
1 i saw last week had to be 50 inches, made me sick, but i didnt look for his tongue, ill try that next time
Posted 10/5/2006 2:31 PM (#212871 - in reply to #212850)
Subject: RE: What are they doing?

Posts: 691

Location: nationwide
Went out the evening of September 22nd and had one porpoise about 10 feet from me heading towards my creeper . ... and I watched the air bubbles go right under my lure and continue. I got fed up with that spot and left, fish was about 41 inches.
A couple spots later I had a nice fish, 46 inches-ish, porpoise 2 feet to the left side of my creeper heading out as the lure was coming in. Never had that happen before.

Went back to the first porpoise spot, had to be about an hour later and had a fish blow up on my creeper but no hooks. Was at the spot of the second porpoise early the next morning and another smaller fish porpoised by my lure which was off the back of the boat about 20 feet. While me and the guy I was fishing with watched the bubbles he picked his creeper out of the water and it sounded like an airport toilet flushing . . . . . #*^@ . . wish we had seen that one. There is no way it was the same fish because we could see the bubbles from the first fish when the second one "flushed". . . .double #*^@!!!!!!!!!!

I hate these fish and their games.

Corey Meyer
Posted 10/5/2006 2:56 PM (#212875 - in reply to #212871)
Subject: RE: What are they doing?

Location: Minnesota

"I hate these fish and their games."

couldnt have said it any better, i still hope someone out there can explain this

Edited by CowgirlAddict 10/5/2006 2:56 PM
Posted 10/5/2006 3:17 PM (#212877 - in reply to #212850)
Subject: RE: What are they doing?

I don't know if this is accurate but in the past I have been told that fish porpoising are digesting.
The Yeti
Posted 10/5/2006 3:35 PM (#212882 - in reply to #212850)
Subject: RE: What are they doing?

looking for the Shady Moon......
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