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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Weekday Fish Reports
Message Subject: Weekday Fish Reports
Posted 9/13/2006 10:50 PM (#209116)
Subject: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 2091

Location: Stevens Point, WI
K-Bob and I trekked north to Big Arbor Vitae today to get some more slime in my Tuffy. We were not expecting much action as another bluebird sky post frontal day greeted us. Much to our suprise and delight we found the fish to be quite active today with three fish boated, one follow and two blowups on topwater. Basically the only fish we saw were eaters today with all fish being caught in less than five feet of water in the slop. Nothing big, but a fun day on the water no less. K-Bob had the biggest at 36 and I boated two lower 30's including another figure eight fish, two in one week from the same lake! My fish were caught on my trusty Slippery Sam Jr. and K-Bob took his on a Nightmare painted Jerko, see Rob they do catch fish!! LOL!! Great day on the water with a good stick for company! Notice the pretty good bloom still occuring on there. I have found this lake to be fantastic with the bloom many times with sunny skies.

Edited by MuskieMedic 9/13/2006 10:52 PM

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Posted 9/13/2006 10:55 PM (#209117 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Great report and pictures, sir! I wish I could have been out there, was on the road in Minnesota.
Posted 9/13/2006 10:56 PM (#209118 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 2112

Location: The Sportsman, home, or out on the water
Its true!
K-**** bob cant catch fish with me in the boat! LOL
Posted 9/13/2006 10:59 PM (#209119 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 605

Location: Marshfield, WI
No one can catch fish with you in the boat!!!!!! At least we saw a bunch though on Tuesday and had our chances. We had 10 fish up and got 5 to hit but none got hooked. Just bad luck.
Thanks for a great day on the water Derek. I had a great time. Too bad those other ones didn't get hooked up. Would of made one heck of a day!!

Edited by k-bob 9/13/2006 11:22 PM
Vince Weirick
Posted 9/14/2006 8:07 AM (#209146 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 1060

Location: Palm Coast, FL
The Webster Lake Musky Club had our weeknight league last night. We fished Loon Lake which has been known to be a very hard lake. For most of us it was a hard time except for Gary Martin. He nailed a 46" pig on the 6th turn of a figure 8! Congrats!
Posted 9/14/2006 8:24 AM (#209149 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 2427

Location: Ft. Wayne Indiana
This week has continued to be good for me. Boated 3 more last night in about 4 hours of fishing.

This week we have gone over 200 for the year. The Polar Kraft is sitting at 209 for the year with a 42.75 inch avg.
The Dogger
Posted 9/14/2006 9:17 AM (#209164 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 215

Location: Twin Cities
Had a 40" up to the boat then threw the hook and then lost another half way in last night in about 5 hours of fishing on Tonka. Never saw te second fish bc of the darness but felt good....or is that all the ones you never see feel good - ever notice that? Either way that fish has haunted me today. Lake is crowded, but is producing regularaly.
Posted 9/14/2006 9:34 AM (#209166 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

my hot streak of losing fish on the Madison Chain was alive and well last night...1st 5 casts with a custom colored Longtale I lost a 37-38"ish fish ...we had hits and follows / swipes from about 6 more to the lower 40"s but nothing put in the net! uhhhggg
Tonite they are in for a hurtin!

Posted 9/14/2006 9:52 AM (#209170 - in reply to #209166)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 2427

Location: Ft. Wayne Indiana
Come on Nellie!

Get them big girls in the net!

I will call you tonight, and I expect a good report!
Reef Hawg
Posted 9/14/2006 9:53 AM (#209171 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin
kbob, any action on the gp thumper?
Posted 9/14/2006 9:54 AM (#209172 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

209 fish HTRAIN??? My god..that is awesome! That PK has the mojo..or is it you ?

You will hit the 300 mark for sure! That is just nuts...300 fish? ! ? Awesome definitely earned every one!

Yah, those MN fish just stay hooked...I swear it's the strain!
Posted 9/14/2006 9:58 AM (#209173 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
bradley i think the musky gods are tellin you that you need to stand by your word....time for the chomo hawk cut there buddy!!!! commit and i bet you get fish in the net!!!!!! go gettum jr!!!!!!!!!
Posted 9/14/2006 2:25 PM (#209241 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 2091

Location: Stevens Point, WI
Reef Hawg, I beleive our only follow of the day came on the Thumper. I have to get me some, sweet bait for the river.
Posted 9/14/2006 3:53 PM (#209269 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Nice work weekday reports contain no fish....although I have been hearing fish being caught where I go...figures I dont catch them!

Posted 9/14/2006 11:18 PM (#209334 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 605

Location: Marshfield, WI
That GP Thumper fish would have hit too if it didn't see the boat. It came in at mach 10, saw the boat, and left at mach 20!!!!
TJ DeVoe
Posted 9/15/2006 12:46 AM (#209341 - in reply to #209116)
Subject: RE: Weekday Fish Reports

Posts: 2323

Location: Stevens Point, WI
Ya, same here for me to. Considering that I have fished twice this week with Pointerpride. Saw five fish surface below the spillway last night but they weren't having it. There was a 40 taken minutes before we got there. But home tomorrow moring, hopefully a little fun on Pelican tomorrow night.
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