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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Trolling Guide!!!!
Message Subject: Trolling Guide!!!!
Posted 7/19/2005 8:01 AM (#153972)
Subject: Trolling Guide!!!!

Anyone heard of or seen the new trolling guide? My friend and trolling mentor came out with a new trolling guide, helping to pinpoint depths of lures at different speeds, with different is really cool. Let me know what ya think!!

Donnie Hunt
Posted 7/19/2005 8:02 AM (#153973 - in reply to #153972)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
ordered mine cant wait to get it!!!
Posted 7/19/2005 11:37 AM (#153996 - in reply to #153972)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!

Posts: 294

Location: Suspended
I've heard of it but haven't seen it yet.
I see you're mentioned as one of the writers, when will they start to ship?

Edited by Webguy 7/19/2005 11:38 AM
The Mighty Oak Leaf
Posted 7/19/2005 1:23 PM (#154015 - in reply to #153972)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!

Posts: 295

Location: mad chain
I have also ordered a couple and was woundering when they would be shipped?
Posted 7/19/2005 1:54 PM (#154021 - in reply to #153972)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!

Posts: 140


This is Mike the author. Met with the printer today to approve the proofs and was told they should be ready the 1st week of Aug. The main issue is the humidity really slows the ink drying time on the waterproof paper.

Thanks guys for your support, Mike
Posted 7/19/2005 1:57 PM (#154022 - in reply to #153972)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!

Posts: 294

Location: Suspended
Will the CD's be available then as well?
Posted 7/19/2005 2:05 PM (#154023 - in reply to #153972)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!

Posts: 140

Both the regular and enhanced CD's will be ready at that point. You get the enhanced CD with the book/CD purchase. It has 3 additional baits, rigging options and bait modifications.

Thanks, Mike
Posted 7/20/2005 10:24 AM (#154092 - in reply to #154023)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!


I am excited about the book's printing, and the CD burning. It has been really cool to look at and help with all of the copy inserted, as well as some of the marketing/advertising. It is an awesome project!! Much needed in today's muskie world.

The exciting thing about the book/guide, is that we are approaching the end of our "FREE" shipping we've gotten so many pre-orders. I think that the ad hit's Musky Hunter and Muskies Inc. mag this week!

Thanks again Mike.....

Posted 7/20/2005 10:49 AM (#154098 - in reply to #154092)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
This is a MUST have. I am a retard troller.....this book will make it easy for me...right now I just guess and wing the baits out and hope to score...I have had some sucess but will feel a lot more comfortable once I have the depths of my baits....

I only have so much time on the water...I don't have time to waste trying to figure out how deep they dive at given lengths etc....

Can't wait!!!

Watch out Madtown Supsendos....

Posted 7/20/2005 11:49 AM (#154104 - in reply to #153972)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
i couldnt agree more with what cory said, same goes for me, especially the part about bein the retard troller!!!
Posted 7/20/2005 12:57 PM (#154122 - in reply to #154104)
Subject: RE: Trolling Guide!!!!

Well, even I can catch muskies trolling with Mike's data....LOL We are coming out with a how-to video/DVD to add to the mix sometime this fall. It will be cool, and full of action. It'll teach some long awaited "secret's" to trolling.

Thanks for the support John & Cory....hopefully you'll be sending BIG fish pictures soon as you get your books....they're shipping around August 1st ! !


Edited by Donnie3737 7/20/2005 12:58 PM
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