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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Phantom
Message Subject: Phantom
Posted 7/30/2004 1:23 PM (#113613)
Subject: Phantom

Posts: 341

I just started using this bait and was wondering if this bait is hot during specific conditions. I have been throwing the 8'' walleye.
Posted 7/30/2004 1:43 PM (#113617 - in reply to #113613)
Subject: RE: Phantom

Posts: 267

Location: Right behind you (tap, tap) BOOO
Love this bait, it's my fav glide bait. I use it all the time, and haven't really found any a pattern based on conditions. I just throw it whenever I get the itch.

I like to work it like a walk-the-dog bait.

Posted 7/30/2004 4:31 PM (#113631 - in reply to #113613)
Subject: RE: Phantom

Great glide bait I have the 8" Perch and 6" Walleye. I would say pick up both sizes because I tend to use the smaller one more along with my Slammer Drop Belly Glider in Walleye.

Posted 7/30/2004 7:42 PM (#113643 - in reply to #113613)
Subject: RE: Phantom

Posts: 4266

Good, shallow running, walk-the dog jerkbait.
Nice big profile. Have had good luck with the Crappie pattern
on several lakes.
Posted 7/30/2004 11:28 PM (#113656 - in reply to #113613)
Subject: RE: Phantom

Can someone tell me how much difference there is between the 6 and 8 in version in glide distance? I have a 6 inch Phantom and wondered if the 8 would be about the same.


Posted 7/31/2004 1:24 PM (#113676 - in reply to #113613)
Subject: RE: Phantom

the 8 inch glides more than the 6", the 6 is more erratic but very versatile. but they both are awesome baits! you can't fish them wrong!
Posted 7/31/2004 4:56 PM (#113682 - in reply to #113613)
Subject: RE: Phantom

Posts: 4266

8" is a lot more predictable, walk-the-dog kind of thing.
6" runs deeper and more eratic. You can also work it 100 mph if you want to.
Very good small lure. Kind of like a skinny Reefhawg.
Posted 7/31/2004 11:53 PM (#113700 - in reply to #113613)
Subject: RE: Phantom

That's kind of what I expected to hear from you guys, thanks!

Posted 8/1/2004 7:11 PM (#113745 - in reply to #113613)
Subject: RE: Phantom

Great glide bait. Almost impossible to fish it wrong. I took 4th in a musky tournament on a firetiger phantom. I Love this bait.
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