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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Greetings From Worrall's Hideout
Message Subject: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout
Posted 7/26/2004 10:29 PM (#113230)
Subject: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Posts: 3876

Papa Joe and I want to say howdy and salutations from the Rhinelander area. We most enjoyed the Alpine Dead show and have been thrashing the waters heavily since (we came to our senses). No big Rock Bass like Jason, but a upper 30's on, a 25 or so shook off at the boat and a bunch of follows.

Must.. get ,.... some .... sleeeeeppp ......

Hopefully we can post better news later (fish report-wise),
Papa and Ranger
Posted 7/27/2004 6:24 AM (#113243 - in reply to #113230)
Subject: RE: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Location: Athens, Ohio
Can we get an Alpine report, too? Good fishing, y'all. m
Posted 7/27/2004 12:30 PM (#113279 - in reply to #113243)
Subject: RE: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Posts: 285

Hi Mikie,
We arrived early to the lot, Ranger's fishing boat in tow. We got lots of yuks from the freaks, even caught a little freckled hippie with the big net.

The highlight of the show was China Cat> Rider, and Warren Haynes. Go see this lineup if you can.

Ranger and I drove up to Waupaca after the show, slept a while and then headed north.

It was another good one!

papa joe

07/24/04 (Sat) Alpine Valley Music Theatre - East Troy, WI

Set 1: Hey Pockey Way > Music Never Stopped, The Wheel > Doing That Rag, Mississippi Half-Step, Strange World > Casey Jones

Set 2: Tomorrow Never Knows > Reuben & Cerise > Born Cross-Eyed > Cryptical Envelopment > The Other One > Drums > Space > Morning Dew, Unbroken Chain > Uncle John's Band > China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider, E: Love Light

Lineup: Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, Phil Lesh and Bob Weir, with Jeff Chimenti, Warren Haynes and Jimmy Herring.
Posted 7/27/2004 2:33 PM (#113292 - in reply to #113230)
Subject: RE: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Location: Athens, Ohio
"Everywhere I go
The people all know
Everybody's doing that

excellent, now go get some big fish! m
Posted 7/28/2004 10:04 PM (#113454 - in reply to #113292)
Subject: RE: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Posts: 3876

Papa went home day before yesterday. I miss him terrible.

I boated a 42" yesterday, boatside strike on an 8. My cuz, Ish, put me on to her on Alice Lake in Tomahawk, WI.

3 or so more days tramping around WI for muskies. Then homeward bound. Stay tuned.
Posted 7/29/2004 9:17 AM (#113481 - in reply to #113454)
Subject: RE: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Posts: 5874

Hey Ranger, I tought you were going to call me for a night on Pewaukee when you was down here for the Dead!? I still got those reels that need your help. Was hoping you'd get a look at them while here. Oh well. Congrats on the fish!
Posted 7/29/2004 1:26 PM (#113512 - in reply to #113454)
Subject: RE: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Posts: 285

Way to go on the 42! I hope you get some more Wisconsin fish before heading home.

I miss you too buddy. Hope we can pull off another Concert/Muskie fishing combo next year. Maybe we can get another few fishing freaks to join us, Widespread Panic will be touring again next year, Phil Lesh & Friends, probably another Dead tour, or maybe even a Gov't Mule show (Warren Haynes' other band, besides the Allman Brothers).

Also need to convince you to hit Cass Lake this fall. October in Northern MN, big fish, and the gang hitting the water hard! Plus a shot at seeing Cady's pale tush!

Even if it's just a long weekend you gotta be there! Oct 3 thru 9th. I'll be there the whole week, and my boat will have a seat saved for you. (You might not even need your boat buut bring it anyway. We're hitting Lake X, and others in the area besides Cass too.)

papa joe
Posted 7/30/2004 11:30 PM (#113657 - in reply to #113481)
Subject: RE: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Posts: 3876

Sorry Shep, I should have tried harder to connect with you. Rats. The daze after the show were a bit fuzzy, then too much sun and fun once we settled down added to a wild romp of sorts; the situation at hand was in charge of our next moves. Anyway, I'll get those reels and fix 'em up yet, you betcha.
Posted 7/31/2004 5:24 PM (#113685 - in reply to #113657)
Subject: RE: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Was a pleaseure to have you and Papa here at the Hideout. Hey, you won't believe what Keith got done today, you HAVE to get back up here just to see the place now that it's done. Sorry i couldn't spend more time with you guys, was a very busy week for me. By the way, your gift is now residing on my New Mexico board, looks great there. Thanks, sir! I am at Bay De Noc Gladstone covering a WWA with Sue this weekend.

Lambeau, you too. Get back up here, things are even better now!
Posted 8/1/2004 1:47 AM (#113707 - in reply to #113685)
Subject: RE: Greetings From Worrall's Hideout

Posts: 3876

Well it was a pleasure to experience the hospitality. And meet Lambeau.

By the way, the mushroom hunting stick is made of Ironwood. I know of a small stand on a shady slope leading down to a local swamp. The top of the handle was the rootball, thus the incredibly tight pattern. I think that's about the 10th Ironwood stick, staff, etc, I've carved and given away over the past 15 or so years. One fellow, a serious Serria Club adventurer, has taken his all over the world. It's the only item he insists on carrrying on the plane. Makes me proud, dontchaknow.

Slamr has a friend?!
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