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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget
Message Subject: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget
Mark H.
Posted 5/27/2004 3:21 PM (#107996)
Subject: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 1936

Location: Eau Claire, WI
A few minutes ago I was heading back to the office and noticed the already steady flow of holiday travelers, many with boats and campers in tow passing through Eau Claire. Then I noticed as I often do the large American flag that so proudly waves in front of the Perkins restaraunt on Hwy.53 and I couldn't help but wonder how many of the travelers give any thought as to why they get to enjoy a long weekend and the freedoms we as Americans enjoy.

As we get ready to enjoy the long weekend let us not forget the reason behind the holiday...
To honor those who made sacrifices so that we as Americans can live free. As we head to our cabins, lakes, resorts, etc. let us not forget that there are thousands who are still in the middle-east. This is not the time to be political about the issues but thankful and respectful to those who have served and to those who gave all... If you get the chance to say Thank You to a Vet. I'm sure they would appreciate the gesture.

On behalf of all of us at OutdoorFIRST Media group have a safe and happy Memorial weekend...

Now go catch and release a slob... >}}}}}}}'>


Mark Hintz Outdoors
Eau Claire, WI
Posted 5/27/2004 10:24 PM (#108032 - in reply to #107996)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 1137

Location: Holly, MI

and ttt

also, almost forgot.. Fly your flag at half mast until noon. This is proper and honors those for whom the holiday is celebrated. At noon you are supposed to rais it back to full mast to wave proudly over this great country.

Edited by lobi 5/27/2004 10:26 PM
Posted 5/27/2004 10:33 PM (#108036 - in reply to #107996)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
WSPY in plano, a local radio station by me does a soldier tribute every hour. Most are from WW1, WW2 and korea. The tributes are to the fallen and how they earned their congressional medal of honor when they gave all. They stories are of amazing bravery in the face of certain death all of wich were to save their fellow soldiers. I wish every radio station played them, they are quite compelling.
Posted 5/27/2004 10:33 PM (#108037 - in reply to #107996)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 2112

Location: The Sportsman, home, or out on the water
Bravo to you Mark!
I am a Vet of Operation Desert Storm, and I thank you for brining this to everyone's attention! Let us not forget the price those before us paid for our freedom, and those yet to come. There is nothing more sad then a young person giving their life to protect our Liberty!
Posted 5/28/2004 6:23 AM (#108047 - in reply to #107996)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 880

Location: New Berlin,Wisconsin,53151
Alot of us forget about our past to quickly. My DAd fought in Okinawa and my Uncle fought in the Battle of the Bulge. It's troubling to hear the news that our summer might be filled with terror. Lets all FLY the FlAG this weekend to so that we appreciate what so many have sacrifaced. I know it will be flying on the house and the boat this weekend.
Mikes Extreme
Posted 5/28/2004 8:17 AM (#108061 - in reply to #108047)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 2691

Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin
I remember ! ! ! !

Have a safe and happy holiday to all...........

Good post Mark.

Netman lets get out this wekend.

Posted 5/28/2004 8:23 AM (#108062 - in reply to #108061)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 3240

Location: Racine, Wi
Thanks to all that have made the sacrifices. I think about it all the time as my dad, uncles, and grandpas are all vets. My dad shoots guns in tribute with the American Legions every memorial day. Definitely a cool tribute.

Posted 5/28/2004 10:39 AM (#108087 - in reply to #107996)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 1438

Thanks for posting this Mark.

And a great big thanks to the many vets out there who visit this board.

My father was in the US Marines 61-66. I was born at Quantico. Always have had a soft spot for our vets.

Thanks again guys, you've done the country proud over and over again.

Posted 5/29/2004 8:31 AM (#108158 - in reply to #107996)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Location: Athens, Ohio
My mom was an Army nurse in WWII, one of The Greatest Generation. She served in the Pacific, where she met my dad during the occupation of Japan. I call her every year and thank her, she gave up so much of her youth to serve her country. One of our greatest family treasures is the notebook with all her letters home, her mom saved every one. m
Posted 5/29/2004 11:03 AM (#108170 - in reply to #107996)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 484

Location: St. Louis, MO., Marco Is., FL, Nestor Falls, ON
It's hard to understand the sacrifice, courage and dedication of our men and women in the Armed Services. They are the finest troops ever in our history. I had the delight to visit Paris Island, Cherry Point and Camp Lejune a few years back. The professionalism of our service people now as compared to when I spent 9 years in the Corps is unbelievable. I was so proud to visit with them and impressed with their competence. I have included a website where you can read about one of these fine young people. The motto of the Marine Corps is a statement about ALL of our troops serving this wonderful country......Semper Fidelis....always faithful. God bless our troops and God bless the USA.

ESOX Maniac
Posted 5/29/2004 2:34 PM (#108172 - in reply to #107996)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 2753

Location: Mauston, Wisconsin
Mark- Thank you for posting this.
Bob- a great reminder of just how courageous our military men & women are! I'm also from a military family. My great uncle Hugh Warner was killed in France in World War I, the VFW Post in Jump River WI is named after him. My dad served in the US Army from Dec 7th 1941 to the end of World War II in the Pacific theater. He and his buddies didn't hestitate, they abandoned what they were doing and put themselves in harms way to protect the USA. He served an additional 30 years in the WI National Guard before he retired. I remember the Berlin crisis - he went and he had a wife and 10 children at home. It's always fascinating to sit down with a veteran and listen to their stories. Some are almost unbelievable- until you realize you're hearing the way it was, some are even funny.

I served from 1966 to 1981, many very brave friends and comrades never returned from Vietnam. For me Monday is a day of rememberance and sorrow for all who have given so much in doing their duty to our country. I walk through the cemetary and read each headstone with an American flag flying over it and I thank each one for their sacrafices.

Stop by a senior center or senior care facility, or VA hospital you'd be surprised at the veterans you meet- both men and women. You will also be impressed by their unassuming demeanor, i.e., "I didn't do anything special"! I think not - look at all of our disabled veterans. Many have been abandoned by their country. Keep them in your heart- they had you in their heart when they put themselves into harms way.

War is a horrific enterprise. Many never return and many return less than they were to begin with, missing arms, legs and/or permanently disabled for life. God Bless you, I do not take your sacricfice lightly.

The scenes we see of prisoner abuse in Iraq are a disparagement to all of the millions of men and women who have served this country and protected our freedoms. God Bless all our veterans and those serving in our Armed Forces today!


Edited by ESOX Maniac 5/29/2004 2:36 PM
Posted 5/29/2004 4:14 PM (#108174 - in reply to #107996)
Subject: RE: Memorial Day Weekend...Let us not forget

Posts: 484

Location: St. Louis, MO., Marco Is., FL, Nestor Falls, ON
Disparagement is too kindly. It was a complete failure of leadership by the officers and senior NCO's involved. I was embarassed for our military and our country. But this no more represents our country's values than Lt. Calley did in Vietnam. Where else but in the USA could something like this happen and then be made public, investigated and charges brought. Honor is expensive. It must be purchased with the coin of hard choices and continued vigilance. We all pay to maintain our personal and collective honor. I feel sorry for those who feel no personal responsibility and lack a sense of what honor really is.
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