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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Longlegged Lake
Message Subject: Longlegged Lake
Posted 3/25/2004 5:52 PM (#101772)
Subject: Longlegged Lake

Posts: 346

Me and my dad are setting up a fly-in trip this year with a large group of guys. Can I get some general information about this lake. What to expect? What would be the best time to go? Would this be considered a "Canadian Shield" lake? If so, I'm assuming Dick Pearson's "Muskys on the Shield" would be the best source of info to make the most of this trip, correct?

Matt Kircher
Posted 3/25/2004 7:38 PM (#101786 - in reply to #101772)
Subject: RE: Longlegged Lake

Good system with big fish. Try august, seems to produce large fish for those who venture up there. Clear water so select your baits accordingly. Big jakes and large topeaters are a must.
Posted 3/26/2004 11:45 AM (#101827 - in reply to #101772)
Subject: RE: Longlegged Lake

Posts: 354


Simply Fishing just had an episode a few weeks back on this lake. They were raising
fish with Mantas. A couple of real pigs too! They were talking about how its a fairly clear lake with a remarkably good day bite. The lake seems to really shine even in high sunny skies. I have a friend who fished with Pearson a year back or so and he was telling him the same thing about the lake. I tend to think that the Pearson book applies to a lot more than just shield lakes. I don't see why it shouldn' be of help to you on Longlegged Lake. Good luck!
Bill C. aka the greenduck
Posted 4/4/2004 6:40 PM (#102823 - in reply to #101772)
Subject: RE: Longlegged Lake

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Dude, what happened to your e-mail? Everything comes back in error.
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