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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Old Lures #2
Message Subject: Old Lures #2
Posted 4/20/2024 5:46 PM (#1027928)
Subject: Old Lures #2

Posts: 3876

Chuckski reminded me of something I want to show for a while. Another old lures post.

My grandpa was a master fisher dude way back in the day. Worked at Inland Steel, open hearth, for 40 years. Gary Indiana. When he wasn't working, he was fishing. He started with permission to throw up a canvas tarp over his small fish camp on Cranberry Lake in Marcellus Michigan, a 2-hour drive from work. This is around 1925. Within a few years he was exploring a bunch of lakes in southwest Michigan. Met my grandma whose family owned a quarter of the shoreline on Gravel Lake in Lawton Michigan. He became obsessed with the pike in that lake. And for good reason, it was chock full of huge toothy critters. Really big pike, 25-30#. My grandma's sister owned a resort on the lake, a half dozen small cabins and a dozen or so steel boats. Old timers here know what I'm talking about with the steel boats; they were flat bottomed with a pointed bow, three wooden seats and weighed about 140#.

My grandpa began to have a reputation as a terrific fisherman. One day, around 1930, he met a guy named Charles Helin on the water. Mr. Helin was in the process of creating the perfect lure. And he did. The flatfish. At that time Helin was hand carving his prototypes and giving them away to fishermen for field testing.

My grandpa used those lures to catch the biggest pike of his life. Mind you, this was the 30s. Grandpa row trolled in a steel boat with silk line. We still had a steel boat when I was very young, around 1965, and Grandpa showed me the two trees in the yard where he dried his line after fishing. In the late 60's they were still catching big pike; every single one was killed, the heads dried, shellacked and nailed to a tree in front of the property. I remember those pike heads.

So anyway, here are 3 flatfish Charley Helin gave to my grandpa. My grandpa "retired" any bait that boated a 25# or bigger pike.

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Attachments flat4.jpg (170KB - 49 downloads)
Attachments flat2.jpg (141KB - 47 downloads)
Attachments flat1.jpg (120KB - 46 downloads)
Posted 4/21/2024 9:47 AM (#1027952 - in reply to #1027928)
Subject: Re: Old Lures #2

Posts: 1459

Location: Brighton CO.
Oh yes I have a number of old wooden Flatfish in Walleye size with the hooks made to add worms, and i bought a Wooden Muskie sized one in spring of 1977. I have a newer muskie sized plastic one too.
Posted 4/21/2024 8:55 PM (#1027968 - in reply to #1027928)
Subject: Re: Old Lures #2

Posts: 1286

Location: E. Tenn
I jumped on an opportunity to buy a boxful of Flatfish... Some in the box with paperwork, some without, some wood, and some I'll fish with..

Got to take a long weekend trip to the Northwoods while in high school in '71. Tied on a frog pattern U-20, and it got hammered on the first cast by a then more than legal length musky.. I hadn't bothered tying on a steel leader, and immediately regretted it.

I also had a lot of luck row trolling Heddon Tadpollies for pike along the weed edge of a lake near LaPorte IN. I would rent a flat bottom rowboat with slat flooring for the princely sum of $3 from a little old lady that lived on the lake.. She always appreciated some fillets, and that was worth a free rental more often than not.

I'm gonna have to dig this stuff out, and start fishing it again..

Edited by miket55 4/21/2024 9:20 PM
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