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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Tranx VS Calcutta D series
Message Subject: Tranx VS Calcutta D series
Pa Tigers n trout
Posted 9/20/2021 9:37 AM (#993931)
Subject: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 269

Location: Central Pennsylvania
I want an all purpose rod and reel for the mid size (3-10 oz) baits. I got to use a D series on Saturday while ripping a monster tube, I liked the reel just as much as I like my current 300 tranx! I throw a lot of glides, twitch baits, rubber. I plan on throwing the D8-D10 bucktails a decent mount also. What do yinz think?
Conservation Guy
Posted 9/20/2021 9:43 AM (#993932 - in reply to #993931)
Subject: RE: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 109

Are you talking the 400 or 500 tranx? I would say it depends on how you hold your rod (especially with the 400 tranx). If you are a palmer, the tranx low profile is fantastic. I use the foregrip when I fish and love the D as an all around reel (burning smaller baits and slow rolling bigger bucktails). I found that when using the 400 tranx, the line would rub on my thumb when holding the foregrip. Both are really capable, smooth reels, and it comes down to comfort when fishing.
Posted 9/20/2021 9:51 AM (#993933 - in reply to #993932)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 7056

Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
I think your hand is going to hate you if you use that D for 9s and10s. The 300 Tranx is really a bass reel (I love mine) that is great for easy retrieve baits like little switchers, 8s, or topwaters.

To get into heavy 10 throwing, go Tranx 500 if it fits your hand.
Pa Tigers n trout
Posted 9/20/2021 11:22 AM (#993934 - in reply to #993932)
Subject: RE: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 269

Location: Central Pennsylvania
I'd be looking at the 400 size tranx, currently have the 300HG. I don't plan on throwing 10s very often, just every once and a while. I don't really have a preference for how I hold a rod, I'm gonna have a jig ripper on this new setup so I'll likely go between that and palming (if I decide on the tranx).
Posted 9/20/2021 5:43 PM (#993940 - in reply to #993934)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 298

I find the 400D to be just as or more comfortable in hand than the TranX 400s that I own. I like both a lot. I have my 400D on my everything but speed rod. I think it’s great for 9s/10s/13s. Just not burning. It’s not a super fast reel. The reel comes with an oversized double paddle and torque is no issue. 2nd most durable reel I have ever owned only eclipsed by the 500 TranX.
Posted 9/20/2021 7:50 PM (#993942 - in reply to #993940)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 100

I throw just about everything on a Tranx 400HG. Not ideal for double 10s but doable. I have several Calcuttas and mostly use them trolling or for suckers nowadays.
Posted 9/20/2021 8:53 PM (#993947 - in reply to #993942)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 716

The problem is that " your not going to throw tens much " its like buying a snowblower that can only handle little storms not the biggies...when you really need it. That said IMO using both reels quite a bit the 400tranx is a superior product IMO when compared to the 400D.... especially when it comes to picking up line...slow reels are only good for a few applications and a faster reel with do almost anything. Drag adjustment on the fly is another place the D failed. On the fly meaning after you have hooked up.
Pa Tigers n trout
Posted 9/21/2021 6:47 AM (#993955 - in reply to #993947)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 269

Location: Central Pennsylvania
I didn't try any bucktails on the rod with the D so I can't say much for the ability it has with hard pulling baits.
Posted 9/21/2021 9:49 AM (#994956 - in reply to #993955)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 1731

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
For 10's on a 400, get the 5.8 and the power handle from the HG and you have a real winner.
Conservation Guy
Posted 9/21/2021 9:51 AM (#994957 - in reply to #993955)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 109

The problem with higher geared reels is that they pull harder. I burn blades all day with the D and find it is a nice ratio. I would rather reel faster with less resistance, but that is my preference. I also like the 400 tranx, but find myself using the calcutta most of the time as an all around workhorse.
Pa Tigers n trout
Posted 9/22/2021 6:41 AM (#994974 - in reply to #993931)
Subject: RE: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 269

Location: Central Pennsylvania
I have discovered that I am really bad at making decisions lol. Am I better off with the HG (or PG) Tranx or even the D series? I am sorta clueless as to what would be the best choice for general purpose use, (3-10oz) baits.
Posted 9/22/2021 7:06 AM (#994975 - in reply to #993931)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 1142

Location: NorthCentral WI
I have both and will say I like the 400 Tranx but love the 400D. Both are great reels, I just prefer the feel of a round reel but the Tranx frame is a nice change up once in a while. Why settle for one? Get one of each!
Pa Tigers n trout
Posted 9/22/2021 7:43 AM (#994976 - in reply to #994975)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 269

Location: Central Pennsylvania
I wish I could get one of each right now. Money is a hard thing for me, as I'm young and don't yet have a job. My musky stuff is all from long spans of time of just saving up money haha.
Posted 9/22/2021 9:01 AM (#994978 - in reply to #993931)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 283

If you get the 400D put a power handle. Makes it a way better reel especially pulling larger blades. Both are nice reels tho
Posted 9/22/2021 8:14 PM (#996003 - in reply to #993931)
Subject: Re: Tranx VS Calcutta D series

Posts: 100

It's easier to reel slow on a fast reel, than reel faster on a slow reel. If you don't throw hard pulling baits much, buy the Tranx 400HG.
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